Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Sharon drinks more water – no, no, please – this is the same way I felt in Heather’s apartment. This water has PCP in it, she realizes.

Claire can handle whatever Jordan throws at her – she’ll make her believe that she wants to burn the Newmans to the ground. It’s too risky, Vikki won’t budge. No, absolutely not – we can’t leave Victor to deal with Jordan – or Chance, Claire argues. She’s put them through so much – this is her redemption. You’re a victim too. Your mistakes are behind you – behind all of us, she’s reassured. Claire will disappear until this is done – you won’t be able to stop me.

Adam will move to the ranch asap – Connor’s asked his Mom to move in with them. Smart boy, Victor approves. It doesn’t mean we’re getting back together, Adam’s quick to add that Chelsea will have her own space. This makes Victor very happy – I love that. He then relays the footage of Sharon being abducted. Adam hopes she’s alive – the more time that passes the less likely that is. Victor hopes she’s strong enough to hang on until they find her.

Sharon lists off her kids names and again works on the lock. Eureka! It finally snaps off. An astonished Sharon now works on freeing herself.

Adam needs to leave to call Connor to say goodnight before the specific window closes. He hopes Victor won’t be dropping by for a cup of sugar – but yes, tequila is welcome. He’ll get started on his Dad’s plan right away and looks forward to bringing that creep down once and for all. Victor won’t let him hurt their family again.

Mariah’s now calm and again assured that she has nothing to feel guilty about – Ian’s hatred for the Newmans goes back a long time – you were a victim, Nick adds. Mariah expresses how much she loves her Mom. Chin up – we’ll bring her home. It starts with you and me, Nick’s optimistic.

Sharon wobbles a few feet, her vision blurred – I’m gonna get out of here – I’m going home.

“This is a matter of life and death. We are stronger and smarter than Jordan, Claire persists. She burned down your house – what if she comes after Johnny and Katie next? We’re all in danger. Nikki agrees – they have no choice – too many lives are at stake. The three of them will handle this and they never speak of it again. Is everyone in agreement? Victor appears – what are the three of you scheming?”

Mom and I were sharing family stories with Claire. Judging by your expressions, they weren’t pleasant stories, Victor observes. Ian being out there has them on edge. Again reporting the security footage showing that Sharon was abducted, Victor has some emails to answer. With goodnight kisses, he goes upstairs. God help us – we can’t fail. Vikki’s now onboard.

Mariah thanks Nick. He praises her for helping Noah and Faith, calling her their rock. He’s relied on her, hoping that’s okay. Mariah appreciates Nick’s support, saying he gives them all hope. They fistbump – we’ll find Ian and bring your Mom home.

Sharon faints into a heap on the floor – just in front of the stairs.

Next week: Joining, Billy and Jack, Sally doesn’t want to interrupt. She has a surprise for him (Billy).. I tried to destroy every ounce of goodness in that girl. That’s why I hate myself, Ian tells Tessa. I have to do this, and you have to help me … His accomplice might be a woman, Chance holds up a glass with lipstick smeared around the rim .. As long as Jordan’s breathing, she’s a threat to everyone we love. Nikki has an idea – get your coats, she tells Vikki and Claire. A curious Victor peers around the corner.”

My Thoughts: Victor’s plan is to scare Ian out of going out in public? So what? Thanks to Amazon and Uber Eats no one ever needs to go out in public ever again…. What part of ‘wake me up if there’s news’ did Mariah not understand from Faith? … Leave it to me, Victor says with a straight face (funny because Jordan was left to him and look how well that turned out) So much for Mike and Cole being back in his good graces. Victor really puts the cell in wine cellar … I’m no expert on PCP but I highly (pun intended) doubt someone under the influence would realize that’s why they’re seeing double and unable to walk. Couldn’t it also be because Sharon’s survived on bags of chips and not taking her meds? It’s unlikely she took a two week’s supply of pills with her to celebrate the last 10 seconds of 2024 at Society. … Of course ‘slings and arrows’ won’t scare Ian. These aren’t Shakespearean times – no one even knows what the hell ‘slings’ are. It’s laughable that Victor thinks Adam and Connor would be safer at the ranch. Sure, give up your condo in a high-security building with 24/hour concierge and move to a remote country estate that’s been a magnet for psychotic murderers for the better part of 50 years. Heck, it hasn’t even been four years since Rey was also poisoned in Sharon’s home (by a woman who’ll soon be moving onto the Newman compound) .. How can Adam possibly use Newman Media to launch an attack on anyone? He hasn’t stepped foot in his office since he took over. Perhaps the attack will be launched via email.