Thursday, January 11th, 2024

In his suite and on his phone, Tucker has no comment for the reporter who’s now investigating Audra Charles’ involvement. Meeting at Society, Audra assumes Ashley would like to know what Tucker has planned. Are you willing to betray your mentor? Ashley asks. When Sharon drops by the ranch, Victor... Read more

Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

Having had lunch together, Sally and Adam are now at the club for dinner. ‘To us’ they toast. Still at Newman, Victor continues to express how happy he is that Nick’s working with Adam. When Vikki arrives, she doesn’t seem thrilled when Nick announces that he and Adam are now... Read more

Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

You’re late, Nick scolds Adam before the brothers head into Victor’s office – optimistic that they’ll impress their Dad. As Vikki and Cole debate Claire’s request at Society, she has a nightmare that they refused. I don’t want you dead, Claire swore. Vikki doesn’t believe her and don’t EVER call... Read more

Monday, January 8th, 2024

Finding Chance moping over his OJ at Society’s bar, Summer wonders if he regrets hanging up his cape. Your secret’s safe with me, she flirts. Coffee mugs held aloft, Adam and Nick toast to being co-CEO’s at Newman. Sharon arrives to say she loves it – now, who wants to... Read more

Friday, January 5th, 2024

Victor’s driven Nikki to work and wants to take her for lunch – because he enjoys her company, not to keep tabs on her. Nikki hopes to find an assistant as good as Claire (who doesn’t want to kill her) At home, Ashley, Jack and Kyle wonder why Tucker’s laying... Read more

Thursday, January 4th, 2024

An exhausted Sharon nods off on the patio. She dreams that Summer runs into Chance’s arms then asks her if she’s ready to go. Ready to go where? Sharon’s baffled. Out to celebrate you finalizing the deal between Kirsten Inc. and Chancellor Winters of course, Summer and Chance exit laughing.... Read more

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2023

What’d I just walk in on? Chance asks. Marchetti, Summer suddenly has a meeting to get to. Chance puts the detect in detective – you were talking about me, he tells Sharon. Claire wonders how long Vikki’s been watching her sleep. Nikki’s battling her demons when Audra walks into the... Read more

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024

Introducing herself as Claire’s mother, Vikki tells a doctor that Claire’s quietness scares her. Good morning, Lucy comes out to ask where her Mom is (assuming she slept over) Why would you say that? Daniel flashes back to Heather kissing him. When Phyllis accosts her at CL’s, Chris gloats about... Read more