Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Running into his old friend, Abby, at the club, Daniel brings up the lawsuit. He appreciates having her on his side. I can’t lie to you, she ruefully admits. Upstairs, Audra’s very pessimistic about the possibility of Tucker helping Devon and his actions reconnecting father and son. Devon rallies Nate... Read more

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

Alan fends off Ashley’s advances in the park – this kind of relationship isn’t a good idea. What aren’t you telling me? she wonders. Confirming Jill’s instructions to Ester that she’s to forward all of her CW correspondence to Billy, Lily’s followed into her office by Nate. She hasn’t been... Read more

Monday, May 13th, 2024

What are you doing here? Lily looks up from her laptop in disdain. Ester was wrong – she has neither the time nor the inclination to discuss avoiding a court battle with Daniel. As Dom plays on the monkeybars, Devon updates Abby that (per Billy) Jill’s handed full control of... Read more

Friday, May 10th, 2024

Sally shows up at Adams’ place with coffee, muffins and a supportive hug. Finding Lily’s office empty, Billy sends her a text – we need to meet ASAP. Chelsea joins him to weep – things are so much worse with Connor than we thought ~hug~ Lily, Devon and Nate are... Read more

Thursday, May 9th, 2024

Unbelievable! Claire’s all over Harrison, Summer whines to her Mom in the park. What will she do? Not walk away, she huffs off. Diane’s SO angry at Jack that she’s leaving. You overdosed – the EMT’s had to revive you! Jack took the pills as a last resort to save... Read more

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Over breakfast with her Mom, Summer reports that Harrison seems OK but she will never see Claire as a victim (and is annoyed that Phyllis does) Strolling through the park, Claire diplomatically suggests it’s time her Mom got back to work. At the house, Kyle correctly guesses that his Mom’s... Read more

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

Running into Audra (who tells him how Tucker turned the lounge into a Paris Cafe to propose) Nate’s astounded that she wouldn’t see that for what it is – Tucker trying to recreate his failed honeymoon with Ashley in Paris. Alan calls Ashley to say that he’d like to see... Read more

Monday, May 6th, 2024

At CL’s, Nick updates Jack that his Mom’s settling into rehab. Sabotaging your own sobriety was a crazy thing to do, he adds – are you OK? Yes, Jack falling off the wagon was a tactical move. Nick will take him at his word – thank you. And no, Victor... Read more

Friday, May 3rd, 2024

You’re back, Nick’s surprised. Yes, Victor confirms that Nikki’s settled in at rehab. That other threat’s dead and gone, Nick reminds – we’ll take the wins when we can, no matter how we get ’em. Thank God, where were you all night? Diane comes home to fuss over Jack. He... Read more

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Nick and Vikki chat at Society. How’s Summer? Like a coiled spring. She’s not sure it’s over. Vikki admits she briefly doubted Claire. Cole was her rock. Nick chuckles at her ‘dopey affection’. Admit it. When she does, Nick’s happy for her. Victor appears like a dark cloud – your... Read more