Thursday, December 26th, 2024

At the only outdoor restaurant in LA, Audra, Nate and Audra are joined by the PI. Before they order breakfast, she will tell them everything she found out about Damien.

Nikki and Lauren are reflecting on everything they’ve been through this year. They clink mugs – here’s to kicking 2024 out the door.

Claire returns from the stables to tell her Dad how much she loves her horse – but her parents getting back together (and her grandpa approving) is the best gift she could ask for. Sadly, her Mom’s still upstairs sick.

Chelsea and Adam are having an animated debate about a hideous scarf Connor refuses to wear when Victor comes home to say that he just came from the pond – where Connor’s skating circles around the other kids. He’d like a private word with Chelsea.

One thing Cole’s always admired about Victor, and that they have in common, is being protective of those they love, especially Vikki.

Once Adam leaves, Chelsea has something to say first; there’s nothing romantic going on – she and Adam are not getting back together. Victor’s sorry to hear it.

Back at Society, things are going well for Nikki and her family (except what’s going on with Sharon) Maybe too well – are you wondering when the other shoe will drop? Lauren asks.

The PI reports that every apartment Damien’s rented is held by the same company (Danglar Properties) – and he moves from job to job within the same umbrella company, Monte Cristo investments. All four look puzzled until a light bulb goes off over Nate’s head – I think I may know why.

Cole doesn’t want to be dramatic but Victor would die for anyone in this family. Yes, Claire knows her father would do the same for her and Vikki ¬hug¬

Blaming Sally for all the problems between Adam and Chelsea, Victor thinks a reconciliation would provide stability for Connor and be good for Adam. What he’d like is to have Chelsea back in the Newman family.

After that ordeal with Jordan, Nikki never would have guessed that she’d end the year sober and head of a global conglomerate. She’s also trying to be civil to Adam (because he’s taken Newman Media to new heights and may move into their old home) We’ll be OK no matter what life throws at us, Lauren’s confident.

Victor thinks it would be ‘wonderful’ for Chelsea and Connor to move into the old place with Adam. Disagreeing that Sally was just a fling, Chelsea finds the offer tempting but not appealing. She locks eyes with Adam when he arrives with Connor (who’s now wearing the much discussed scarf)

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