Faith objects to Lucy painting her Mom’s actions as premeditated. Sharon killed my Mom and made my Dad seem like a demon. There’s no other side to the story. Sharon hated us; made sure we suffered. Faith can’t agree with anything Lucy’s saying – she doesn’t know what to believe.
Nick’s spoken to Sharon’s doctor – there’s nothing about her medication that would cause her to turn violent. What if she had a psychological break? She’s calm and rational now, he tells Chance.
Sharon insists on pleading guilty – today if possible. If Mike can’t help with that, she’ll find someone who will.
You think Noah, Mariah and Faith will applaud you for this? Mike asks. I failed my kids – they can’t respect me – the least Sharon can do is teach them right from wrong. They’ll be better off without me. Mike believes in redemption. He’d done bad things too but fights every day to be a man his wife and son can be proud of. Sharon appreciates his kindness – but this is what I want – you can’t talk me out of it.
Your Mother’s a monster – she lied to you over and over – you can’t still love her, Lucy’s incredulous. This isn’t who she is, Faith asks if Lucy’s Mom could have done anything to make you not love her. Lucy can’t answer that because her Mom’s dead – your Mom murdered her. She wouldn’t if she was in her right mind, Faith insists.
Nick goes back to the night of Faith and Lucy’s accident. Sharon didn’t think her medication was working. Chance sees no point in chasing down theories now that Sharon’s confessed. Nick got some of her medications out of the garbage – maybe the lab can find out if it’s contaminated or expired. Will you help me with this?
Embarassed, Claire buries her head in Kyle’s shoulder. Whatever it is, you can talk to me, he reassures. Do you have regrets? No, it’s just that this was her first time. Kyle’s surprised.
Lucy and Faith continue to butt heads in the park. My Mother has a mental illness, she’d never …. Your Mother took my Mom from me and tried to take my Dad away too. Did she seem crazy? Or was she just evil? Faith’s sorry but she won’t listen to Lucy dis her Mom anymore.
Ian wants Sharon’s loved ones to pay – to crush their spirits. Jordan’s sure they’re all in a tizzy. Their doe-eyed prom queen is a psycho killer. Ian wants proof that this is affecting the Newmans. I know you won’t let me down, he says menacingly.
Sharon’s not happy that Mike’s summoned Nick to CL’s – there’s nothing to discuss. She wants to plead guilty, Mike informs. Nick has something that might change her mind.
Is that a threat? There seems to be some confusion about our arrangement, Jordan warns. I forgot myself, Ian apologises. OK, Jordan will go see what she can do.
Whatever Claire wants to share, Kyle’s willing to listen. She confides that her life wasn’t her own for so long. She’s so happy with what she has; her family and especially you ¬kiss¬
Sharon’s on the same meds but a different dose – and she’s completely lucid now. Hell yeah, Nick’s worried – something about this isn’t right. You took the remainder of my old dosage out of the trash?? Sharon’s aghast – the sooner she changes her plea to guilty, the sooner justice can be done.
Jordan’s spying on Faith through Society’s window when Claire and Kyle arrive all smiles and laughter.