Friday, October 25th, 2024

Making it clear that he does NOT blame Nikki, Jack explains that Kyle’s rage (stoked by Victor) has been aimed at him and Diane. Understatement of the year, Nikki admits to turning a blind eye to Victor’s schemes but thinks it ‘appalling’ that he used Jack risking his life to save hers. Jack warned Victor – and now he better be ready for retaliation!

Raised to ‘read people’, Claire truly believes that Diane loves both Kyle and Jack. Maybe, when Jack accused her of being insincere, she got her back up and went along with his accusations. When someone you love tells you you’re a bad person maybe it hurts so much you just go along with it. Yeah, Kyle’s done that with both his parents.

Diane appreciates Traci’s kindness but no, we won’t find our way back to each other. Diane wanted it all – a career AND family; a choice men aren’t expected to make. No one thinks the ruthless Victor doesn’t love his family. It’s not who Diane ‘aspires to be like’ – ‘it’s who I am’. You’re willing to lose your husband and son!? Traci’s flabbergasted. It’s up to THEM to decide whether my ambition can coexist with my love for them, Diane won’t deny her needs any longer. You deserve every happiness, she says as Traci opens the door. So does my brother – and so do you, Traci leaves.

Mike joins Phyllis in the dining room – he read the news that Daniel was arrested. Yes, she wants him to represent Daniel (over the ‘incompetent boob’) It’s not your call – it’s Daniel’s, Mike declares Chris an ‘excellent attorney’. She wants to destroy my life – that includes throwing this case, Phyllis is sure.

At the station, Daniel reluctantly puts his bracelet in a manilla envelope, then has his prints and mugshot taken.

What a nice surprise, Victor says as Nikki barges into his office. We’ll see if you feel that way after we talk, she snaps. You’re angry with me, Victor correctly guesses. Relaying Jack’s accusations, Nikki fires questions. Are you Glacade’s secret investor? Did you buy it to drive a wedge between Jack and his family because of what he did to save my life?????

Victor asked Nikki to stay away from Jack. That’s not your choice to make, she objects. Damn right it is – I live with you! He’s a danger to your sobriety! He’s my friend, Nikki stands her ground. You offered him support and comfort, Victor mocks her – heartbreaking; let me get my hanky out – so moving. He almost killed you!! He saved me! Nikki corrects. Jack’s wife left him, his son is estranged from him. Why don’t you move in with him!? Victor shouts.

Diane might feel under attack and vulnerable, Claire explains that she couldn’t be so hurt if she didn’t still love Kyle and Jack. This could be an opportunity to move past the pain and get back to being a loving family.

Mike knows Chris would never throw a case for petty revenge. This is my son! Phyllis cries. Danny’s son too – you know how Chris feels about him. Mike promises to keep an eye on the case and will step in if Chris isn’t acting in Daniel’s best interest. Phyllis then drops the bomb that Sharon’s framing Daniel – she has no proof, it’s Mother’s intuition. Chance doesn’t see it so she’ll have to find a way to open his eyes.

Mike doesn’t like the sound of Phyllis opening Chance’s eyes. Don’t interfere in the investigation. As your friend and potential attorney (when this blows up in your face) he warns her not to fabricate evidence against Sharon. That bitch has been framing my son and I’ll do whatever it takes to prove it, Phyllis vows.

Daniel rubs his naked wrist as he sits glumly on a bunk in a jail cell.

Traci comes home to tell Jack that she just got back from seeing Diane. I shouldn’t have fallen for her again, he sighs. Wanting to help seems to be a theme – Nikki came by, he adds. Traci had to try – but failed. Diane’s hurt, angry and righteous. You’re right – she’s stopped caring about anyone but herself.

Diane’s looking at a wedding photo on her phone when Victor calls. Is it to rub salt in her wounds or because he’s interested in helping her punish Jack. Victor’s interested. Good, because Diane wants payback and doesn’t care who she hurts to make that happen.

My Thoughts: Possible reasons not to arrest a suspect in the lobby of a busy hotel/gym/restaurant; there’s the strong possibility someone will make a scene; the embarrassment of arresting the wrong person; a staff-member or diner might get injured should the arrest go sideways; or, news of the arrest might show up as breaking news online before the suspect is done being booked and anyone can warn his daughter … Chance must work this case by the book because he’s romantically involved with Summer? How about recusing yourself to avoid the slightest appearance of impropriety? … Phyllis’ issue with Chris should be that she’s a prosecutor, what Daniel needs is a defence lawyer … Lucy mentioning that Heather wasn’t her biological mother made me wonder if Daisy will reappear…. While I’m glad Claire has been redeemed, does she really have to be GC’s answer to Mary Poppins? Jordan trained her to ‘read people’? Does she see dead people too? … I’m still suspicious of Jack and Diane’s abrupt split – but heck, if Traci and Claire believe it, it’s likely true …. Great – Diane’s not going to deny her ‘needs’ any longer; she wants family and a career – but now has neither. Good job.

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