Thursday, October 24th, 2024

Come on, please, Phyllis gets desperate – you need me to be part of this company. Billy can’t be distracted from Abbott Chancellor’s relaunch. He doesn’t have time for these wild accusations. Phyllis thought Billy was her friend. He is – but this is the way it has to be. Gotta go – he’ll talk to Jill but won’t lose this company because of Phyllis, or anyone else.

Your mother insisted that you’d pay dearly, Jack tells Kyle – and she wouldn’t take any responsibility for driving you to steal from Jabot. Kyle didn’t steal anything. Jack’s tired, sad and disappointed. No, not in Kyle – in himself (for failing the family) He relays Victor’s dig – what would John think of him? I was blind to who Diane really is and put her needs above yours. I failed you – that’s worse for Jack than losing Diane.

Now seated with the Newmans, Diane rants about Kyle mistreating/betraying/undermining her. Pointing out that Victor’s taught his children hard lessons when need be, she’s sure he’d have handled Kyle the same way she did. And now? She plans to make her family feel the same pain she feels.

Are you scared? Lucy asks. No, Daniel didn’t do anything wrong – Chance will realise that, plus, he has Chris on his side. Don’t worry about me; have fun with your grandpa. Everything will work out and swe’ll be together again soon; never to be kept apart.

Billy agrees to join Jack for breakfast at Society – how’s Phyllis doing? Jack assumes she appreciates having work as a distraction. Billy updates that his Mom made him un-hire Phyllis. Jack sees Jill’s point – this might be the first smart business decision you’ve made. Billy threatens to leave if that’s how his brother feels.

Diane knows Victor wants to see Jack pay and is offering him that opportunity. Kyle needs to face repercussions – the humiliation of a massive failure that will force him to grow up. Nikki’s horrified that she’d do that to Jack and Kyle. They deserve it – seeing Kyle fail will be a knife in Jack’s heart, Diane adds.

Diane hasn’t made any concrete decisions but when she does, she’d like Victor’s help. I’m staying upstairs if you’d like to reach out – it’ll be intriguing. Enjoy your breakfast. That leaves Nikki to scoff at Diane painting herself as the victim – and why would Victor even hear her out???

As Daniel struggles to braid his bracelet, Lucy talks about how connected she felt to her Mom (even though she wasn’t her biological Mom) We’ll have a celebration of her life when all this is over with, Daniel promises. Lucy regrets the horrible things she said. Your Mom knew how much you loved her – she was so proud to be your Mom. Lucy was honoured to be her daughter.

Diane offers Phyllis her condolences in the park. Don’t pretend to have sympathy for me and my family – we don’t like each other, let’s not pretend otherwise, Phyllis is blunt – you’re a cold, calculating woman only out for herself. You faked your death and framed me for murder, Diane reminds as Phyllis leaves.

Over breakfast, Nikki scolds Victor for encouraging Diane. He just wanted to push her to see how far she’d go. That’s the difference between you and me (Nikki does NOT want to know)

Jack apologises for his careless remark – he’s not himself today. Billy’s there for his brother. Jack confides that his marriage; Diane hasn’t evolved at all – she admitted she came back to town to reclaim her role within the company and the family. Ironically, there might now be some hope for his relationship with Kyle.

Phyllis comes through the revolving door to admire the friendship bracelets Lucy and her Dad have made. Have a great time with your grandpa. Father and daughter share a goodbye hug. He expects a photo of her dancing with her grandpa onstage. Yeah, rock on, Phyllis adds. Seconds after Lucy leaves, Chance arrives – you’re under arrest for the murder of Heather Stevens.

Next Week: I’ve lost my wife and my son, I won’t lose my sobriety, Jack vows. We both know that’s easier said than done, Nikki replies … Amy Lewis is at Nate’s door – thanks for seeing me again. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in GC…. Complete with handcuffs, Chance reads Daniel his rights, Phyllis shouts – OMG! You’re railroading him! Hold on a minute, Chris comes through the revolving door – I’m here to represent Daniel.

My Thoughts: Dumbest line of the day goes to Daniel. What’s wrong? he asks Lucy with a straight face. Oh, I dunno – perhaps her Mom’s murder and her father potentially going to prison for it? ‘Have fun’, Phyllis is equally oblivious. Do they really think Lucy’s going to be taking/posting selfies of herself dancing onstage to Danny Romalotti croaking out ‘Rock On’ (a ‘hit’ that can only be more cringe-worthy after it and it’s composer have aged 25 years) … Could Phyllis be any more dramatic? Odd that she hasn’t reached out to her BFF/brilliant lawyer, Mike. His calendar should be wide open except for the days he’s kissing Victor’s ass… I’m not buying this sudden/convenient split between Jack and Diane, or her going to Victor for help. And, Jack seemed practically giddy at the thought that Kyle might actually be upset about it. If Kyle wants his Dad to stay away from him, perhaps he should move out of his house. Either way, the house needs to be drama-free for Ashley’s return… Why is everyone who has live-in cooks going to restaurants for breakfast? Couldn’t Chance have contacted Chris and had her bring her client to the station to be placed under arrest? …If Phyllis is so determined to get a job, why not apply at any of the other companies whose headquarters are located in GC. Her begging Billy on a daily basis is pathetic.