Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

Forget to eat? Nick looks down at Phyllis’ untouched plate of food (at Society) She has no appetite because her son’s being framed for murder.

Chance meets his team at the crime scene. Let’s get started, he looks guiltily at a framed photo of Daniel and Summer.

Phyllis tells Nick that Daniel and Lucy have been banned from their own home. What kind of person would want to destroy my family? She lists the evidence that’s been planted to frame Daniel. How is that possible? Nick asks again.

Daniel shows up at Sharon’s door. When you dropped by to talk to Heather, what did you want?

As Sharon told Chance, she’d already apologised to Daniel so wanted to apologise to Lucy and Heather. She accepted the apology then blurted out that the two of you had a terrible fight. Sharon didn’t say anything in the park because she wanted to spare Daniel’s feelings. Daniel’s not buying it – his last words to Heather were ‘I love you’. Something’s off. Heather was terrified of you, Sharon claims.

Be thorough – we have to be get this right, for a lot of reasons, Chance instructs.

Don’t be naive! Phyllis reminds Nick that Sharon was off her meds and unstable. Go look into her ‘googly eyes’ and ask what she knows. Nick explains how hard it is for Sharon to see Daniel – he’s not defending her, just trying to explain her mindset. I don’t care about her mindset! Phyllis draws attention by shouting. Sharon killed Heather!!

You think Sharon killed Heather? Nick’s astonished. I KNOW Sharon killed Heather., Phyllis is spitting mad. She hates Daniel; she’s unstable; she’s framing him. Nick agrees that Daniel didn’t do it but Sharon didn’t either. Phyllis continues – She went to the apartment the night Heather died – she saw Daniel and Lucy after that but didn’t say anything. Sharon’s on her meds and running Cassidy First, Nick knows Sharon didn’t do this.

We’ve found something, Chance is summoned by a member of his team.

Are you accusing me of making this all up? Sharon doesn’t like Daniel’s tone. She’s sorry to hear the police suspect him – based on what? Your fake conversation with Heather. Sharon knows Daniel wouldn’t harm anyone intentionally. Did you and Heather get into another fight? Did YOU hurt Heather? he asks.

Daniel reminds Sharon of the rage she unleashed on Heather and Lucy. Sharon regrets taking out her anger on them – that’s why she wanted to look Heather in the eye and apologise. You know me – I wouldn’t hurt Heather. Have there been new developments? she asks. Daniel regrets not leaving town as Heather requested – I can’t be locked up for something I didn’t do. Sharon suggests Daniel get some rest; find peace. You have to know that what you’re accusing me of couldn’t possibly be true.

Whoa – that confirms it, Chance shines his blacklight on the floor – Heather was bludgeoned here. And look, here’s the murder weapon, he picks up a heavy metal octopus that glows under the blacklight.

My son could be arrested any minute. Phyllis won’t sit back and do nothing. Stop spreading lies about Sharon – it’s not fair to her, Nick exits.

Marks on the back of Heather’s skull will be consistent with this, Chance suspects. Phyllis then calls him – meet me at CL’s.

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