Wednesday, October 16th, 2024

Jack confronts Victor in the jazz lounge – this ends now! Kyle could go to prison for what you coerced him into doing! Victor tells Jack to run along with his conspiracy theories ‘before you make another spectacle of yourself’.

So, Jack suspects that Victor’s Glacade’s mystery investor and that he’s using Kyle against him, Vikki sums it up. Claire loves her grandpa but believes he’s behind Kyle’s behaviour. Vikki knows how ruthless her father can be; he’s complicated but she loves him. Cole adds that Kyle’s not family.

Phyllis does NOT believe that Sharon felt remorse so went to apologise to Daniel then all of a sudden Heather confided in her about their relationship. And instead of telling Daniel, she told Chance. This is ‘very, very odd’ to Phyllis.

When Summer arrives at the park, Daniel hugs her and leaves to call Lucy. That leaves Phyllis to update Summer on the new developments. All the evidence points to your brother (possibly Sharon’s plan) Chance is our only hope – if he wasn’t on the case, Daniel would be locked up right now.

You corrupted my son to go against his family – it would warm your heart if you had one, Jack fumes. You’ve lost control and connection to your family, Victor chortles. Sonofabitch, Jack mutters – this is all about Nikki. You almost killed her! Victor bellows. No one says that but YOU, Jack knows that corrupting his son to steal from his family is Victor’s type of revenge. Yeah, I bet you WILL sleep just fine tonight, he storms out.

People can change the path they’re on, Claire points out that she’s proof of that. Kyle listens to me and trusts me – I can help him. Vikki and Cole urge her to take care of her heart. Claire still sees the world the way she wants it to be, not the way it is and she’s OK with that. Hugging her parents, Claire thanks them and leaves to meet Kyle. Why does my father keep doing this? Vikki frets to Cole – I’ll never understand it.

Kyle smirks – his mother can’t prove anything. You and Dad pushed me into this. Unlike Jack, Diane will make sure Kyle’s punished to the fullest extent of the law. That confirms what Kyle suspected all along – she cared about the company more than her own son. That’s enough, you’re way out of line, Jack sprints over. Diane appreciates him finally coming to her defence. But no, Jack’s talking about HER.

Summer rejoins Chance at Society. Daniel didn’t do this. Why do you think he did? Sharon’s story is a little easy don’t you think? That’s not all we found; the lab results came back – the blood on the towels is Heather’s.

Daniel returns to the park. How will he tell Lucy all this? We’ll tell her together, Phyllis is supportive. Tell me what? Lucy appears.

Diane’s livid – why would you defend him and attack me!? She will NOT keep quiet. Victor joins the rest of the diners to watch the Abbott’s making a spectacle of themselves. Diane’s not sure she wants a relationship with their greedy son; he’s not the boy she raised. Until you didn’t (Jack’s referring to her being dead for years) Claire comes through the revolving door to ask her grandfather – what’s going on? Something very interesting. I love it, Victor adds.

That’s a low blow – I don’t deserve that, Diane’s indignant. You didn’t cut and run when Kyle was a little boy? Jack declares her the raving narcissist everyone warned him about. Diane can’t believe he’s being so cruel. Kyle watches in stunned silence as Jack blasts his Diane – you abandoned Kyle then returned to play loving wife and mother – all along you just wanted a top spot at Jabot. You’re an opportunist who doesn’t care who she hurts to get to the top. Claire goes to Kyle as Vikki and Cole join Victor.

Daniel and Phyllis tell Lucy that Chance found some evidence that’s incriminating. Someone is trying to make your Dad look responsible. Someone’s trying to frame me for killing Mom.

Summer needs Chance to tell her everything – you can trust me. The amount of blood is from a serious wound, he concedes. Maybe Heather fell and wandered off, confused. Chance would give anything for a different explanation than what the evidence points to. If I were Daniel I’d get a lawyer.