Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

Not allowed to touch the phone, Daniel asks Chance to read the text to Paul – if Heather was having an affair I can take it. Chance reads aloud – Hi Dad – Lucy and I may come back to Lisbon soon. Daniel and I are fighting non-stop – it scares me. Daniel’s anger issues are resurfacing. Stunned, Daniel can’t believe Heather would send that to her Dad – or anyone.

Daniel never gave Heather reason to be scared of him and he’s pissed that Chance won’t give him the phone. He and Heather knew everything about each other. Was Lucy right!? Am I a suspect now?!

Mike’s no longer privy to all of Victor’s plans because he’s still trying to work his way back into his good graces. As for Victor using Glacade to go against Jack and ‘your friend’ Diane, Mike’s sure they can handle it. Plus, Victor might be genuinely fond of Kyle. Adam knows from personal experience that Victor playing father figure to anyone is a double edged sword.

Billy thinks Phyllis should focus on her family – this job isn’t your answer. Fine, Phyllis sits – she’ll bypass Billy and plead her case to Jill. I’m gonna make her love me.

Audra can use her resources to get Kyle back where he belongs – and Jack can help her get her company back. She just wants what’s rightfully hers. Jack thanks Audra for the info but will handle Kyle and Victor on his own. Audra’s annoyed – she violated her NDA because she thought Jack was an honourable man. I risked Victor’s wrath – don’t I deserve something in return? Jack will give her advice – walk away – you won’t beat Victor and you won’t run Glacade again. Watch me, Audra’s left to mutter to herself.

Mike repeats that he’s not Victor’s confidante. Adam’s not buying it – he now suspects Victor’s plan is even worse than he thought.

Mike enters the office to say that he just had an interesting conversation with Adam – he’s concerned about your plans for Jack. Victor doesn’t understand Adam’s loyalty to Jack. Mike suggests it might be sympathy – it’s possible Adam feels you’re exploiting Kyle for your own gain and he may feel exploited himself. Victor gave his son a powerful position – if he doesn’t execute his duties, I’ll fire his ass!

Phyllis is sure she can convince Jill that she’s the only one who can help Billy take Abbott Chancellor to new heights. Billy can’t let her try it – he’d be risking everything (Jill will seize control again) Phyllis doesn’t care – let me win Jill over or fire me and be your Mommy’s puppet, dancing on a string.

His evidence all bagged up, Chance tells Daniel that he and Lucy can’t stay in the apartment – it’s now a crime scene. Daniel’s beside himself – what will this do to Lucy!? Forensics will be here soon – you need to leave, now, Chance is in full cop mode.

My Thoughts: Ironic that Chance talks about Daniel not touching anything because he’ll compromise the ‘chain of custody’ but then handles a bloody towel and then Heather’s phone. That not only brings the chain of custody into question but it’s just plain gross. Heather’s blood is now on the phone, thanks to Chance not changing his gloves … I don’t know what’s more pathetic; Phyllis, a tech genius, begging for a job – or Mike letting it be known that he’s groveling to be back in Victor’s good graces…. Audra’s poured her heart and soul into Glacade? For what? 6 months? She wants what’s ‘rightfully hers’? I don’t recall her buying the company from Tucker.

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