Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

Text me that info, Chance ends a call to tell Daniel that someone went to a lot of trouble to make it harder to track Heather’s phone; a sophisticated app that gives false locations. The phone was last traced to right here (the apartment) When Chance asks to speak to Lucy, Daniel refuses immediately.

Faith lends her Mom a bracelet; she’s so happy her parents have remained friends. Your father and I will always be close, Sharon’s sure. Nick arrives; ‘wow – you look amazing’. Heather’s death has made Sharon realise that life is too short – she’ll dress up if she wants to. Your hybrid chariot awaits, Nick quips as he leads the way.

Play it cool – don’t come off as desperate, Mariah coaches Tessa (who immediately blows it by announcing ‘our nanny just quit’ – then ‘we’re really desperate’. Claire’s flattered but wants to think about it. Take all the time you need. Petra’s leaving in two weeks. They slide free food and drinks across the table.

Chance explains why he’d like to talk to Lucy – she might know something she doesn’t realise is important. She’s a minor so Daniel will be present. I won’t push, he promises. Lucy comes out with her Dad – she’d like to help.

Over drinks at the club, Nick jokes that he’s under-dressed. Sharon’s delighted when he recognises the earrings. Nick’s impressed that she remembers where her took her for their first date. Our kids are older now than we were then. Sharon toasts to ‘unexpected outcomes’.

Nick hasn’t seen Sharon so relaxed in a long time. You put me at ease, she also credits therapy. Tonight was a bit emotional, she’s sure Nick must feel it too; the comfort of being with someone you share so much history with. You’re my rock, Sharon’s not struggling anymore – thanks to Nick. Your presence gives me strength – it reminds me of what really matters – I hope I can do that for you too (Nick looks uncomfortable)

Chance tells Lucy that he and Heather were close once. Blinking back tears, Lucy talks about her Mom wanting to go to Portugal; I was a brat, I didn’t want to go. It’s not your fault, Daniel consoles her. When Lucy talks about Sharon lashing out at them, Chance asks if she ever saw her parents arguing about moving to Portugal. Wait, you’re blaming my Dad????

Faith joins Tessa and Mariah at Society. It was sweet seeing Mom so excited when Nick showed up. Maybe they’ll get back together.

At her front door, Sharon and Nick kiss passionately.

I shouldn’t have done that, Sharon’s sure she misread the moment. You didn’t misread anything, Nick kisses her over to the couch. Spare me your fantasy, Cameron snaps her out of it – that awkward hug in the driveway ain’t rippin’ anyone’s bodice. Nick didn’t even walk you to the door. He knows I’m fragile, Sharon claims.

Mariah and Tessa gently dissuade Faith’s thoughts of romance between her parents.

Claire’s back again – this time to ask her parents advice on her latest job offer. Vikki’s happy for her but believes the position with Nikki could be open any day now.

Are you trying to make a case against me? Daniel’s concerned. Chance is just trying to paint a picture of the time before Heather’s death. You’ve given me enough to get started (which puzzles Daniel) Telling Lucy how sorry he is, Chance has one more person to question.

Don’t miss me too much, Cole leaves. Vikki already does. Claire hopes she didn’t ruin the mood. Agreeing that Cole’s always so upbeat – even Johnny and Katie can’t resist him, Claire suggests her Mom invite him to move in with them. When Vikki thinks it a bit soon for that, Claire notes that she didn’t say ‘no’.

You’re gonna do time, Cameron warns. Faith comes home to startle her Mom. It’s so good to see you smile again ¬hug¬ It feels good, Sharon asks Faith to stop worrying – I’m fine. Faith can see that. Good night. Knock knock. I was hoping you’d be back, Sharon expects Nick but is alarmed that it’s Chance. What’s this about? she squeaks. Heather Stevens.

My Thoughts: Nick’s so concerned about Sharon, why is he but has no reservations about her drinking alcohol while on strong meds? …. Chance must be rusty – why else would he question Lucy at home and in front of her Dad. No recording, no partner watching behind one-way glass, not even a notepad. Does he think he can remember everything Lucy and Daniel said? Their facial expressions? It’s not like Chance doesn’t have a phone in his pocket that could record his conversations… Why isn’t Lily a suspect? She fired both Daniel and Heather and them cheating behind her back is plenty of motive. It’ll be weird if her name’s not mentioned during the investigation.