Monday, October 7th, 2024

Daniel lists the reasons why the last few months haven’t been good for him and Heather. Chance asks him to describe these ‘run ins’ with Sharon.

The girls will keep an eye on Sharon. Nick thinks he should spend some one on one time with her.

When Sharon arrives at the club, Traci introduces her to Alan – you two have a lot in common.

In the dining room, Jack soon accuses Diane of trying to pick a fight with him. And now, you’re so preoccupied being a room with Victor Newman that you can’t see that Kyle’s the one destroying our family! she shouts.

The accident with Lucy and Faith mirrored Daniel’s with Cassie. Seeing me was a constant reminder of Sharon’s loss, he tells Chance. Daniel understood the tension; it bothered Heather a lot more. It’s the reason she wanted to get away.

Sharon gives Alan a brief bio. He’d love her input on a book he’s writing. Maybe, sometime, Sharon’s vague – and very busy. Nice to talk to you both, she hurries off. Traci then suggests Alan move into her wing of the house or the pool house. Jack and Diane won’t mind. Alan thinks it a wonderful idea.

Across the room, Victor and Mike watch Jack and Diane bickering. Audra thought there was trouble between those two – couldn’t happen to a nicer couple, Victor’s smug.

Daniel joins Summer and Phyllis to tell them that Chance thought it strange that whoever got Heather’s phone was able to unlock it then didn’t show up to return it. Why was she at the river at night? None of it adds up.

Yes, Nick has time for Sharon AND to support Phyllis. Faith feels like she’s not doing enough. You took a semester off school, Mariah reassures her – this is hard. Both girls think Sharon would confide in Nick (she tries to protect us)

Phyllis is glad Chance is back on the GCPD. Daniel returns to say that the hospital in Lisbon called. Paul had a heart attack. He’s recovering but can’t travel for Heather’s service.

Jack tells Diane to stop staring at Victor – ignore him. He can’t believe she’s blaming Kyle for everything. He’s a grown man making his own decisions, Diane shouts (as Mike and Victor listen) Kyle disrespected us and is sabotaging our company. You think I’m still the manipulative bitch I used to be. I’m sick of it! she throws her napkin on the table and storms out. Go check on your friend, Victor suggests. I will, Mike says after finishing his drink.

Traci looks over at Jack – I should go to him. Alan thinks she should give him time. The fight escalated pretty quickly. Traci knows Jack would never fight in public, especially in front of Victor (who moseys over to rub Jack’s nose in it – what would John think of his son now?)

Summer joins Chance at Society’s bar to report that Paul’s recovering from a heart attack. They briefly discuss Heather’s case – no answers to their many questions.

When Daniel and Phyllis come inside, Mariah, Faith and Nick offer their heartfelt condolences and ask how Lucy is. And Paul? He just had a heart attack, Daniel informs. All turn as Sharon enters through the patio to loudly gasp at the news.

Mike joins Diane in the lounge. That was quite the display – you OK? She blames Victor – Kyle betrayed us by going to work for him. Jack’s consumed by hatred towards Victor. Did he send you down here to check on me? she asks. You can confide in me, Mike assures. Diane lists everything Victor’s ruining.

Upstairs, Jack won’t be provoked by Victor. You’re thrilled that Kyle and I aren’t getting along but we’ll get through this. Victor’s sympathies are with Kyle.

What does your gut tell you? Summer asks. Chance wonders if Heather went to meet someone by the river. You think she was seeing someone? That would destroy Daniel, Summer frets. It’s looking less and less like an accident to Chance.

Sharon’s sorry to hear about Paul – please pass along my regards. We should go, Phyllis ushers Daniel out. After Sharon sends both girls off to enjoy their day, Nick invites her out to dinner. She’d love that. Good, it’s a date, he leaves her grinning.

My Thoughts: Note how Phyllis always manages to make everything about herself. Watching Lucy go through Heather’s jewellery box was ‘heartbreaking for ME’ – she could have just said ‘it was heartbreaking’…. Meh – it’s not so hard to break into a phone… Aren’t there security cameras in Daniel’s building? Sharon’s been in and out of the place TWICE. And those gloves she wore weren’t latex, they looked like knit ones from the dollar store (which would do nothing to contain her DNA) … The show has been pretty boring lately. Even with a murder mystery. Hopefully, Jack and Diane are one step ahead of Victor (he doesn’t deserve Chancellor and it’s sickening that he’s using the memory of Neil and Katherine to support his power-grab (and cruel of him to ask Jack if his father would be proud of him)