Friday, October 4th, 2022

Kyle joins Claire at CL’s. Both are up late and in good moods. Did something great happen? she asks You have no idea how great, Kyle smiles.

At Society, Audra tells Sally that Victor fired her. Kyle somehow managed to come up with a new product. That’s not fair – what will you do? Sally gets how frustrating it is – when the worst happens and you have to figure out how to move forward. You’re talking about you and Adam, Audra isn’t mad about it.

Coming through the revolving door, Daniel and Lucy are early so join Chance at the club’s bar. Your Mom was a terrific lady, Chance announces that he’s back on the force and has taken over the case. There’s a case? Daniel’s surprised.

Relieved when her Mom comes home, Faith hugs, then scolds her. It’s so late; you didn’t leave a note or answer my texts. Heather just died. You can’t keep scaring up like this. Sharon just went out for a little drive.

Kyle’s in a good mood because Audra was fired. Did you arrange it? Claire asks. Kyle created a little scenario that gave him a chance to shine; Audra, not so much. Claire is happy for him but does Kyle have to be so gleeful? It seems sneaky and underhanded. Audra would have done it to me, Kyle won’t apologise for getting rid of her. Let’s go party in the jazz lounge.

Phyllis and Summer are speculating about Heather’s death. Nick thinks they should chill it with the theories, stay out of it; let the police do their jobs.

Sending Lucy upstairs to see if her Aunt Summer’s upstairs, Daniel sits with Chance. Chance cared about Heather too; they went back a long way. This is personal to him – he asked for the case. Daniel hands Chance his phone – you should probably see this.

Sharon was feeling restless. I’m home, perfectly safe. The drive did help; she wants to count her blessings. You’re not annoying, she reassures Faith. Things are going to get better. I’m going to get better – I turned a corner tonight.

Still upset with me? Claire’s not upset with Kyle – she knows what it feels like to want to prove yourself. Kyle needed to prove that he belongs here (on top) Audra thought she was smarter than me and now she’s unemployed. Does that have to do with your romantic history? You did sleep with her, didn’t you?

Sharon’s mildly annoyed that her kids don’t trust her to leave the house. Faith explains that they’re nervous because of what happened to Heather. Ah yes, what happened to Heather. Sharon’s on the verge of tears – We have to be grateful for every moment together – it can all be taken away. When Faith wants to reach out to Lucy, Sharon tells her to give Lucy some time.

Back on the patio, Summer, Phyllis and Nick think it a good thing that Chance is back on the force. My son’s hurting – and I’m hurting for him, Phyllis mopes.

The person who has Heather’s phone was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago, Daniel tells Chance; who tells him to text back and offer a reward. Was her phone password protected? Yes. Then how were they able to get into it? Chance asks a solid question.

Over wine at Society, Audra tells Sally to forget about Chelsea and remind Adam that he loves you. That kind of love doesn’t just go away. She thinks Sally should fight for Adam the way she’ll fight for Glacade. We need to take what belongs to us.

You had a personal relationship with Audra didn’t you? It was a fling, a long time, Kyle says. Claire can’t help but be triggered when Kyle celebrates someone else’s misfortune. It’s a red flag. It was a one time move Kyle had to make for his future.

Faith’s off to bed – you’re not gonna sneak out again are you? That was a joke (which went over Sharon’s head) Cameron finally makes an appearance to instruct Sharon to tip the police off that there’s evidence in Daniel’s apartment. Soon, you’ll finally get the justice you deserve.

What’s going on over there? Phyllis and Summer make a beeline for the club’s bar. Chance and I were talking – we may have a lead, Daniel tells them.

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