Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

When Sally brushes past Adam at Society, he pleads with her to stop and talk, just for a minute.

Chelsea arrives at CL’s in time to hear Billy barking into his phone about a contract that’s supposed to be on his desk.

Phyllis joins Summer and Chance at the club – she has horrible news.

Offering condolences in the park, Sharon’s questions annoy Daniel and further upset Lucy – you’re making it sound like it’s not an accident. What do you know??? she asks.

Mom never came home last night; if you know anything, please … Lucy appeals to Sharon. Sending her ahead to the car, Daniel asks Sharon if she’s insane. Let us grieve in peace! he storms off.

After Summer leaves to see her brother, Chance returns from making a call to tell Phyllis that things are about to get a lot more confusing and painful for Daniel.

Adam wants to know how Sally’s doing. She’s making progress in putting her deep feelings behind her. It’s too painful.

At CL’s, Billy updates Chelsea that he told the kids they’d broken up (because of his work) How’s Connor? Good. And Chelsea? Not as good. She clearly still hopes they’ll get back together.

Chance spoke to a buddy in the police department – they expect the autopsy report soon; it’ll be tough to hear. Phyllis is glad Summer has him to lean on. Ensuring that she’s OK, Chance goes to the station to see what else he can find out.

Adam’s surprised to find Billy and Chelsea sitting together. She’s alarmed to hear they got in an altercation. Billy wishes she’d stop allowing Adam to use Connor to manipulate her. Chelsea and Adam are left to bicker. You really think you can get back with him?? Adam balks.

At the club, Phyllis isn’t happy to hear that Sharon spoke to Daniel. You have everyone so worried about you but Heather’s death has taken the spotlight off you. I won’t let anyone forget the way you treated her, Phyllis marches vows before leaving.

At home, Daniel gets a call from Chance. Yeah, I’ll be here.

When Billy joins Sally at Society’s bar, he confirms that he just saw Chelsea. He felt himself weakening and was going to tell her he still loves her but then Adam’s arrival reminded him.