Monday, September 30th, 2024

Your Mother’s looking forward to running Chancellor – and think of Katherine – she’d be rolling in her grave over that idiot running her company into the ground, Victor rants. Vikki thinks her father seems more interested in hurting Billy than helping Mom.

In the jazz lounge, Claire talks to Kyle about his dynamic with Audra. She (Claire) didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree (gotta be a Kamala reference, and I’m here for it) If Kyle doesn’t want Claire to see him like this does that mean he wishes he weren’t that way? (an ‘a-hole?’)

Nate tells Audra that she’s better than this – don’t let Kyle bait you into a fight. He doesn’t want to see her get hurt. Audra metaphorically burns her bra, right there in the dining room – she wants to be treated like a man and will NOT concede ground; her place is on top – and if Nate doesn’t like what he sees, he can just go.

Kyle wishes people could get ahead without losing their head – or cutting off someone else’s. His parents are an example – but the way he was is Audra isn’t who he is – business can get ugly. Claire sees Kyle for who he is (and cites many examples of him being a great Dad) I believe in you – you can achieve anything you want – without stooping to Audra’s level. Kyle appreciates her seeing the best in him. She wants to know all of him (flirty eyes)

Nate encourages Audra to go ahead with her new product. As her own toughest critic, Audra wants to impress herself and Victor. If Kyle wants a fight, he’ll get one.

Jack warns Billy that his kids respect Victor. Billy hopes they respect him more. Jack thinks Billy should lean on Chelsea. We’re on a break – Billy needs to focus on Abbott Chancellor – Don’t worry about me. Jack will always worry about Billy. He then uses a Titanic metaphor – you don’t want to crash into an iceberg. Billy sees Victor coming.

Outside Society, Vikki and her father exchange I love yous. Don’t do this again, he warns (then is annoyed that she confided in Cole) He didn’t influence me – I looked in the mirror and asked what you’d do. More ‘I love you’s. Victor vows to take Chancellor. After he leaves, Vikki reads a message from Billy (he wants to meet at CL’s)

We good? Nate asks. Better than good, Audra assures. He’s sorry for sitting on his high horse. Where else would my knight in shining armour be? she jokes. Audra suddenly realises she doesn’t have to do this alone – but leaves without telling Nate who she’s referring to. Now alone, Nate gets a text – what the hell is this? he’s puzzled.

At CL’s, Billy thinks he and Vikki should sit down with the kids to brace them for what’s going on between him and Victor (before they read about in online) He wants them to stay in GC and go to Walnut Grove. Vikki agrees – it’s best if they see this coming.

Who is Amy Lewis? Nate wonders (which is weird because her first and last name is in his contacts) ‘Need to see you about an urgent family matter’. Do I know you? Nate replies. When we meet it will all be clear, Amy replies.

After Claire excuses herself, Audra tells Kyle that she’s meeting with Victor as planned. She just pitched her product idea to Bob Elton (THE Bob Elton) He thinks it’s the perfect product to launch their partnership. You conniving…. Kyle sputters. Careful, Claire might see you, Claire hisses – You better bring it – any shot you take, I’ll hit back harder. I’m not going anywhere. Kyle’s not either.