Friday, September 27th, 2024

Are you willing to risk it? The first thing Victor would do is rename Abbott Chancellor after himself, Phyllis reminds Billy that his kids are involved – you want to protect Katie and Johnny – is it worth it? Billy has a plan. Vikki has reservations – she doesn’t want this war – he’ll use that to his advantage.

You’re off the hook, you don’t need to worry about me anymore, Sharon convinces Mariah and Nick that their love brought her home. She’s exhausted. After they leave, Sharon’s left with Cameron – that was close, huh?

Leveraging your kids to get Vikki to help you could backfire, Phyllis warns. Billy isn’t taking advantage of Vikki – his plan is to help her help him.

Sharon listens to Daniel and Lucy’s cheery voicemail for Heather. Why did she have to come home? she frets. Keep covering your tracks, Cameron orders. How is it possible that I killed her? Sharon was very careful but doesn’t feel strong. You were genius – getting into Heather’s phone – who knew facial recognition works on dead bodies? – downloading that app to cover the phone’s location. It’s time to stay free and safe. Sharon will send a text to Daniel – leading him to believe Heather’s alive.

Lucy had a fun evening with her Dad. I’ve screwed up so much this summer. Yes, but you’re accepting responsibility – Daniel screwed up worse – we both learned a lesson, and Lucy’s becoming a strong woman like her Mother. Lucy plans to tell her how much she loves her. Daniel then gets a text that makes him frown – your Mom’s not coming home!

Daniel reads ‘Heather’s’ text aloud. The situation with Sharon has upset me more than I’ve admitted. I’ll reach out in a few days. Daniel replies – where are you? Let’s talk. This is all my fault, Lucy cries. What if Mom left to punish me? She’d never do that. If you want to blame someone, blame Sharon (as Daniel clearly does)

Sharon worries she’ll slip up if she responds. She’s bought herself some time but Daniel will call the police eventually – what if Heather’s body washes up? I’ve gone off on that family in public – the police will question me. Cameron declares her the Queen of Tears on Demand. A woman is dead because of your influence over me! Sharon doesn’t need Cameron anymore. He disagrees – the only way you get out of this is with MY help.

Still at the bar for drinks, Phyllis means what she says – she’s all about holding onto Abbott Chancellor. You (Billy) have conflicted feelings – you lunged at Adam; you’re emotional. Your rage will fester and cloud your judgement. You can’t act impulsively – be strong and analytical – zero emotion. Billy’s never felt more prepared – he’s ready.

Lucy reports that her Mom took an overnight bag and some clothes. Her car’s here, Daniel returns to say. Mom said she’ll be gone for a few days – let’s hope she calls soon. She was fine this afternoon – this is bizarre. They then discuss Sharon coming after them. Her family’s worried about her and Daniel doesn’t blame them.

There’s still things that need to be done, Cameron warns Sharon there’ll be no peace while Daniel’s still in town. Sharon hopes he’ll leave – isn’t losing the love of his life payback enough? No – you deserve the peace you’ve been looking for – the future you’ve been dreaming of. You’ve already thrown the proverbial stone – why don’t you kill two birds with it?

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