Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

You’re not leaving – I know you broke the glass – nothing you say makes sense! Heather then threatens to call the police. This is NOT ‘nothing’. Sharon’s said everything she has to say. Heather gasps when Sharon bats her phone out of her hand. Don’t you dare call Nick!!!!! or the police. I won’t bother you anymore, she pleads and promises.

Heather grabs her phone off the floor then tells Sharon not to go anywhere. Sharon pushes her down. You’re out of your mind! Heather correctly diagnoses.

Woken up by Cameron, Sharon asks Heather – What happened to you? Wake up! Omg!!! Heather’s head is a bloody mess and she has no pulse. Cameron tells her not to call an ambulance. They’ll involve the police. What will I do? I just killed someone! Wouldn’t be the first time, Cameron mocks Sharon (who wails – how can I have done this??? What’s the matter with me????) Cameron tells her to clean up this mess – or go to prison. What is Nick gonna think? Cowboy the hell up – Daniel and Lucy will be home soon – get to work!

Sharon drapes a sheet over Heather’s body. She picks up her ringing phone – it’s Daniel. He’s probably coming home soon, Cameron hurries her along.

Daniel will be home soon, Cameron asks – do you want that poor girl to find you wrapping up her Mom like a pig in a blanket? He and Sharon then debate how Nick feels towards her. She’s leaving a trail (of blood) Cameron points out. Sharon drags Heather’s body to the staircase.

Sharon struggles to put Heather’s body in the back of her vehicle. Back upstairs, she cleans the scene of the crime; the broken glass, Heather’s purse and phone, the bloody sheet, the empty whisky bottle – all goes into her duffel bag.

Riding shotgun, Cameron warns that if she left any evidence behind, she’ll go to prison. Sharon took everything. She just wants this night to be over. You’re almost there, baby – one more stop and you can go home, Cameron comforts her.

White knuckling her steering wheel, Sharon cries as she drives to the bridge. Please, forgive me, she cries as she tosses her victim over. Splash. Sharon tosses her gloves into the back of her vehicle and fastens her seatbelt (safety first) She bursts into tears and pounds on the steering wheel.

Back at the motel room, Sharon sobs – what have I done? You’re a monster. YOU own this, Cameron tells her to accept it. How? I’m nothing like you, she hisses. Sharon’s instructed to forget what happened and be as surprised as everyone else when it comes out that Heather disappeared. You’ll come up with a cover story tomorrow – tonight, it’s OK to grieve. Tomorrow you find a way to convince yourself that this didn’t happen – can you do that? Now alone, Sharon mutters – I don’t know.