Thursday, September 26th, 2024

Cassie pleads with her parents to let her go to a party. Sharon wishes she put her foot down and didn’t let her go. Losing you broke me and Nick – our marriage fell apart, she cries. My life appeared to be normal but I was always on the verge of spiralling. Flashback to Sharon shoplifting – then drinking from a bottle, dousing the drapes and burning the ranch down.

I was in the throes of bi polar and didn’t know it. Everything that’s happened is because of that damned night, Sharon continues.

Sharon knows what Cassie would say – there were happy times too. Flashback to Nick knowing he’s the father of the baby Sharon’s pregnant with – Cassie told him they’d have another baby – and he dreamt they’d have another girl. Faith was the daughter you predicted we’d have, Sharon sniffles. Then another miracle happened. Sharon insists that she’s seeing Cassie – it’s not her meds. Nick’s understandably sceptical. Sharon thought the pain was causing her brain to play tricks on her.

Flashback to Sharon shouting at Mariah for pretending to be her dead daughter. Mariah shouting back – shut up – you don’t know me! I didn’t have to drive you insane – you were already there! I’m nothing like Cassie! Oh, that is painfully clear to Sharon – Cassie would have grown up to be kind; not a liar, thief, a tramp. I was so angry, Sharon remembers. How could someone who looks like you (Cassie) not be you? My heart wouldn’t let my brain accept it.

Nick dropped the bomb on Sharon. Mariah’s not like your daughter – she’s your flesh and blood. Nick did some digging. It’s not a coincidence. You had twins. The mother-daughter reunion wasn’t warm and fuzzy, Sharon concludes with an understatement.

Sharon apologises to Mariah as she’s laying in hospital. Hey lady – I’m not your daughter. There’s a reason Helen Copeland never acted like your mother; it’s because she wasn’t. I’m your Mother. No! Mariah had refused to believe it.

I wanted to be the mother to Mariah that I never got to be to you – and now I’ve failed you both – again, Sharon cries.

I persevered, Sharon continues her monologue. Kept bugging her – praying that she’d let me in. Flashback to the Christmas when Sharon gave Mariah Cassies’ snow-globe. Thank you, Mom ~hug~ Things got easier after that. Mariah’s your twin. Part of you is inside her for me to love and hold onto – for that, Sharon will always be grateful. Being a Mom to Mariah, Faith and Noah has helped me get through the grief.

Flashback to Nick surprising Sharon by buying CL’s – then Neil giving Sharon a job; Welcome back to Jabot ~hug~…. Mariah toasting ‘the oldest college graduate’. You fought so hard for that degree. You’re my hero. I hope to be just like you one day.

Sharon does have something inside her that kept her going. More flashbacks – Nick learning that Matt Clark raped her…. Him breaking the news that Ray was in an accident. I’m a survivor – I loved my children with my whole heart. When opening Cassidy First Technology, she had no idea that hearing your name daily would bring up the grief. And seeing Daniel invoked such rage that I wanted to hurt him. I almost did.

Somehow Heather died. Sharon can’t remember how it happened so can’t claim self defence. I’ve wracked my brain. I must have blacked out. Not remembering makes me feel alone. Here I am – asking you (Cassie) what to do. Should I turn myself in and confess? Take my punishment and hope my family can forgive me? They’re my one remaining joy. Flashing back to loving moments, Sharon blubbers ‘my children are the best part of me. Proof that I did some things right. I’m not all bad’. Thank you – I know what to do now, Sharon leaves the grave-site.

At the house, Faith leaves another message for her Mom. As Nick comes in, Mariah appears with ‘comfort’ food. Deciding to go look for Sharon, Nick tells both girls not to blame themselves. On cue, Sharon finally comes home. I’m sorry, she looks at Nick as the girls hug her. Are you alright? Where have you been? Nick he. Everything’s going to be OK, Sharon assures calmly.

Next Week: Looking up from his phone a shell-shocked Daniel tells Lucy – Your Mom’s not coming home… That’s why I confessed, Sharon says. Confessed to what? Nick asks.