Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Daniel updates Heather that he ran into Sharon last night; she apologised for lashing out. Sharon’s erratic and struggling, Heather admits that she’s scared. Daniel wants to focus on their family ~hug~

No, Sharon has no memory of checking into this ‘dump’ or purchasing the small vial of liquid she now holds. You’re so close to being free of your pain, Cameron tells her – One dose of that and there’s no coming back.

Heather and Daniel exchange apologies then share good news; they both have leads on jobs. Making plans to have dinner with Phyllis and Summer; and ice cream after they pick Lucy up from her community service, it’s time to kiss and make up (literally)

Debating what to do, Mariah considers that maybe Sharon knows what she’s doing and just wants to be left alone. Nope, Nick would rather risk her being angry at him than to lose Sharon. He didn’t recognise that she was in trouble last time; he won’t do so again.

Cameron talks Sharon out of taking her own life – you can’t be that cruel to your kids. And what about the cruelty she’d be doing to Daniel’s family? Cameron scoffs when she gets to Phyllis’ name – who cares about her?!

Cameron offers to take care of this while Sharon goes back on auto-pilot. Daniel’s responsible for all of this – you couldn’t protect Cassie – are you going to fail her again? Sharon will hate herself forever – but she can’t do this. Yes, you can, Cameron badgers her to get justice for Cassie.

Adam tells Faith not to blame herself for Sharon grieving again – the pain of losing a child never goes away. Wait, you don’t know where she is???

Tessa and Mariah stand by as Nick quizzes Daniel about his last interaction with Sharon – did she say where she was going? You don’t know where she is? Daniel’s alarmed.

Wearing gloves, Sharon lets herself into Daniel’s apartment.

Back in the park, Adam correctly assumes that Faith’s Dad is all over this – trust him. If anyone can find Sharon, it’s Nick.

Sharon’s missing? Daniel can see that Nick and the girls are worried. She didn’t mention going anywhere and seemed more concerned about him and Lucy leaving town. She said she was going to move past this. No, she didn’t say how. Then, when Nick appeared, Sharon apologised. Daniel’s sure it’s just a misunderstanding – let me know when you find her.

When Sharon comes across a bottle of whiskey, Cameron notes that it was bottled when Cassie was still alive. Let’s do what we came to do, he coaches.