Friday, September 20th, 2024

Summer persists – let me be your friendly ear – until Chelsea confides that her life has been one mistake after another. Billy and I broke up and it’s my fault.

After acknowledging their ‘ancient history’, Phyllis and Billy decide not to waste time thinking about Adam. How can we stop Victor? Billy’s plan is to offer the CEO more money – whatever it takes to beat Victor.

Chelsea really screwed up. She relays how Billy told Connor that he was to blame. That must mean he’s leaving the door open for reconciliation, Summer says. Adam arrives at CL’s.

Revenge can be fun, Audra loved stealing Tucker’s company out from under him. And Kyle’s next on her hit list for trying to make her look bad to Victor. Sally’s glad she’s not on Audra’s bad side.

Vikki arrives at Chancellor to have a few words with Phyllis (who then goes to do executive work in her luxury executive suite) Now alone, Vikki has a proposal for Billy – she’s there on a peacekeeping mission.

Billy already knows that Victor’s coming after Chancellor and he IS thinking of the kids; he’ll show them that their Dad fights for what he loves. Vikki has a compromise – they’ll buy the company for a huge pay out. Billy won’t sell his established company to create a start-up. What makes you so sure I’ll lose to your father?

Is this about Adam? Summer wonders as he walks by – then comes over. He’s there to check on Connor but was hoping to speak to Chelsea first.

No, Victor doesn’t know Vikki’s there to propose this ‘so-called solution’. There’s more important things than a job, like our kids. Vikki doubts her father hates Billy; that’s a strong word. Accept the payout and avoid this fight (which she does think he’ll lose. You’re dead wrong about that, Billy’s confident.

Adam gets the impression Chelsea was talking to Summer about something personal. She doesn’t want to talk to him – and for the second time today walks away from him.

Still in the park, Sally’s decided to focus on the good things in her life – work – and she has someone else in her corner; she and Billy have bonded. No – no revenge sex, Sally assures – not now, not ever.

Vikki hates this; hates seeing Billy headed for a battle with Victor – Katie and Johnny don’t need to know you’re at odds with my father. Don’t make the kids have to choose sides. Victor’s coming after MY company, Billy refuses to stand down. As Vikki leaves, Phyllis returns from her perfect office. No! Billy won’t take Vikki’s offer – it’s NOT about the money! Victor’s gonna regret the day he came after me! THAT’s the Billy I know! THAT’S the Billy I want to work with! Phyllis is all in!

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