Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

Victor’s coming after the company – but Billy won’t fail. When he mentions acquiring Odyssey 7, which his Mom wasn’t able to do, Phyllis wonders if it would really be an asset to Abbott Chancellor? Or are you trying to prove something to your Mom?

When Cole joins his two favourite women in the park, Claire smiles while watching from a few feet away as he and Vikki share a few words and a kiss.

This is a phenominal deal, Billy isn’t acquiring Odyssey to impress his Mom and it has nothing to do with Lily’s betrayal. Phyllis is curious – how did Lily betray you?

Vikki’s made some bad choices, like Ashland and Billy Boy, Victor reminds Nikki (who thinks he should stay out of it) Relaying Lily’s info, Victor vows to blow Billy’s plan to ‘smithereens’; he won’t know what hit him. On cue, Vikki walks in.

You’re happy, Claire thinks it adorable how devoted Cole is is to her Mom. He wants to ask Kyle what his intentions are. We’re just friends, she’d rather talk about her parents romance.

Vikki’s thought of a way to acquire Chancellor that will benefit everyone and protect Billy’s reputation. She hopes her father will consider it.

Billy explains that Lily agreed to run the Chancellor with Billy but planned to kick him to the curb – she was playing me the whole time. Wow, that’s devious, Phyllis is surprised. Odyssey 7 is a savvy business move, Billy tasks his COO with arranging the meeting to finalize the deal. You got it boss, she agrees.

Billy’s trying to secure Jill’s legacy and his own (not Katherine’s) Vikki’s plan is to give him another option – buy him out. Why would he agree to step away? To create his own legacy, Abbott Enterprises.

Ask me anything, I’m an open book, Cole tells Claire. Mom’s afraid of getting hurt, she confides. We’re going slow, building trust – but yes, Cole does ‘really want to be with her’. Claire’s sure she’ll want that just as much.

Victor and Nikki aren’t keen on funding Abbott Enterprises. Vikki suggests they sell parts of Chancellor to Billy. He’s Katie and Johnny’s father; how will the feel? Victor and Nikki agree that Billy won’t make a deal – we’re where we started.

Phyllis returns to Billy’s office – Odyssey hedged – he wanted to look at the terms. Billy’s confused – the CEO wanted it done as soon as possible. Something must have happened, Phyllis doesn’t get it.

Vikki thinks it worth a try for the kids’ sake. Victor’s sure Billy won’t give up the company he has to start a new one. Besides, his plan is already in motion.

Since only Lily and Chance knew about the Odyssey deal, by process of elimination, Billy and Phyllis suspect that Lily sold him out to Victor.