Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

In the park, Claire tells her Mom how excited she is about her parents getting back together. Slow down, Vikki’s happy but cautious.

Meanwhile, Cole drops by Victor’s office to say that he can’t abide by his wishes to stay away from Vikki.

This is gonna be the launch party of the year – the decade, Billy ends a call as Phyllis arrives for a meeting he wasn’t aware they had. Inviting herself to the party, she claims to have what he wants.

Say what you came to say, Victor scowls as Cole talks about Claire leading him back into Vikki’s life. What your daughter wants should be the most important thing.

Yesterday was unexpected but lovely, Vikki tells Claire that she thinks the world of Cole but isn’t sure it’ll last. Claire’s advice is to let the past go – follow your heart (that’s what you’d tell me to do)

What has Phyllis brought to Billy (and Abbott Chancellor)? Herself – as his second in command. I have no problem standing behind you, she lies. I’ll do whatever it takes.

Phyllis extends her hand – do we have a deal? Billy didn’t expect her to accept his terms. I’m fine being second in command, she reiterates. Admitting she’d be an asset, he’ll have HR draw up a contract. Welcome to the team, Billy stands to shake the hand of his new COO.

Victor doesn’t give a damn about Cole’s feelings for his daughter; he’s seen her fall in love with a bunch of losers. You’re just next in line. I’m devoted to her, Cole won’t back down. I’m warning you … Victor’s left to scowl some more.

Still in the park, Claire expresses how happy she is for her Mom (and Dad) Vikki asks about her relationship with Kyle.

Things are moving slowly between Claire and Kyle – we kissed yesterday. She fells asleep and woke up thinking about it. He’s my boss and my cousin’s ex – and I have no romantic experience. If Claire went to work with grandma, Kyle wouldn’t be her boss anymore (so they could date)

When Nikki comes to the office, Victor shares his disapproval of Cole (which she doesn’t understand) Is there something you haven’t told me?