Thursday, September 12th, 2024

We’d like to join you, wouldn’t we Kyle? Why not? he’s less enthused. Jack (and Diane) would love nothing more.

On the CL’s patio, a frantic Audra tries to track Kyle down. No message – I’ll find him myself, she almost yanks the door off it’s hinges upon exit.

Victor finds ‘Billy Boy’ eating at the club’s bar. Was your big launch a failure to launch? he smirks. Billy boasts of upcoming success; Victor won’t know what hit him. Don’t choke on your fries, Victor ambles off. Impressed by what she’s seen, Phyllis takes a seat to buy Billy a drink.

Billy confides that Victor’s angered that he’s running Abbott Chancellor and confirms that he got rid of Lily and Chance. Phyllis doesn’t beat around the bush when asking for an executive position.

The foursome at Society stick to the safe subject of Harrison – though Diane and Kyle quickly manage to keep things tense. Receiving a text from Audra, Kyle goes outside to meet her. She can’t believe he told Victor that she confided in Nate! Shifting the blame won’t save you, Kyle warns.

Kyle returns to announce that he has something he needs to handle. When things get tense, Diane asks Claire if she’ll excuse them. Instead, Kyle agrees to speak to his Mother – elsewhere.

Phyllis is just trying to plug up the holes in Billy’s C Suite while he’s re-branding Abbott Chancellor. Pitch me, he invites. Phyllis recites her resume and touts herself as a self-made protege in the tech world. If he’s not interested, Phyllis will go drink elsewhere.

In the park, Kyle wants to move out so that he can finally breathe – without everything being about YOU (his Mom)

Back at CL’s, Audra rants to Nate about Kyle being a tattle-tale, snake in the grass who ratted her out to Victor. No, she didn’t deny it – she came clean. And now Victor’s furious with her – because of Kyle, the egotistical little bastard.

Claire researched the Newman family but doesn’t know much about the Abbotts. Jack draws similarities between Claire and Diane. His own Mother abandoned him, like Kyle’s did. Hopefully, he can forgive Diane the way he did Dina. Perhaps that’s what’s happening right now.

There’s no forgiveness going on in the park as Kyle rejects Diane’s suggestion of family therapy. Victor arrives to side with Kyle. You got your hands on Jack and a new job – leave Kyle alone, he tells Diane.

Phyllis sits back down to share her vision for Abbott Chancellor; you’d need to overhaul the IT system to stay ahead of the curve – then, shore up on cyber security – staff an AI division. Maybe bringing you onboard isn’t a crazy idea. Billy knows Phyllis made the whole thing up on the spot, impressive.