Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

In the club’s dining room, Phyllis whines to Summer about Sharon attacking a defenceless child, publicly humiliating poor Lucy. She’s out of control, she says repeatedly. Phyllis WILL protect her family.

Nick awakens Sharon with a kiss. He couldn’t resist.

Lucy IS letting go of the accident. Faith wants her to let go of the idea that they’ll be best friends – we have nothing in common etc. We have a real connection – give it a chance, Lucy pleads. She’ll stop drinking, what’s the big deal? Faith thinks Lucy should talk to someone. A shrink? Because I drank a few times? Your Mom said the same thing, Lucy decides it’s time for Faith to go – your real friends are probably waiting for you. With a few more words of encouragement, Faith hopes Lucy doesn’t drink. As the door closes, Lucy looks devastated.

Yes, switching the paternity test (decades ago) was awful – but Sharon was in the grips of her bipolar disorder. Summer adds that she’s taking meds to balance her out. Joining them, Daniel tells his Mom to stay away from Sharon – this is not your fight.

The spark is still there – we still got it, baby. Nick will take Sharon upstairs to prove it. But, why is she lazing around instead of being ready to go – also, he thought Cassie would be here. You mean Mariah, Sharon’s confused. No Mom, he means me, ‘Cassie’ comes in smiling.

Nick chats with Faith at CL’s. She got some closure today by telling Lucy that they won’t be best friends and that she should seek help about her drinking. You did the right thing, Nick praises. Both are worried about Sharon.

You’re all grown up, Sharon hugs ‘Cassie’ – what’s been happening in your life? Cassie’s dating and working as a vet. You and Dad have set the bar so high (when it comes to marriage) Did you forget that we’re going to a concert? At the Romalotti. The Daniel Romalotti Memorial Pavilion.

When Phyllis complains about Sharon accosting them, Daniel points out that she could have left like Heather did. He needs to figure things out with the family. I AM family, Phyllis reminds. Determined to resolve this within his nuclear family, Daniel’s begging Phyllis to sit this one out. After he goes to the rooftop to see someone about a job lead, Phyllis makes it clear that she has no intention of sitting this one out.

Back at CL’s, Nick and Faith worry – Sharon’s trying to protect Faith because she wasn’t able to protect Cassie. Nick hopes Mariah will come back with answers. On cue, Mariah arrives to say that Mom’s being honest – she’s taking her meds.

Summer has good news – she and Kyle were able to sort out custody. The bad news? Chance quit Abbott Chancellor (because he didn’t want to work with Billy) Surprised to hear that Lily was fired, Phyllis wonders what will happen to the company now.

Mariah found Sharon’s new meds, did some math – she’s taking them. Something’s not right – how did Sharon seem when you left her. Maybe it takes a few weeks for the new meds to kick in. Nick doesn’t think they have a few weeks.

Helluva tragedy, Nick opines – poor kid – drank at a party and crashed his car. Cassie almost went to that party – she had such a crush on Daniel. She was devastated when he died. Sharon’s glad she’s OK. Nick? Cassie? Please come back, she cries out the front door. Awakening, she tells Cameron about her dream. He easily persuades her to conclude that Daniel’s the one who should have died in that accident, Sharon