Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

At CL’s, Mariah reluctantly agrees to go count her Moms meds. I hope we’re wrong. Seconds later, an agitated Phyllis appears to tell Nick that his ex-wife is out of control.

Daniel calls Lucy out of her room. We need to talk, he’s not impressed with her attitude or that she’s put her phone on airplane mode. Don’t change it again, he hands the phone back. Heather’s out and he needs to go out for a bit too. Work on your apology letter and find somewhere to do your community service – I love you. After her Dad leaves, Lucy immediately calls Faith – don’t hang up!

Mariah’s heading to her Mom’s medicine cabinet when Sharon comes home. What are you doing here?? she asks.

Nothing bad actually happened, right? Lucy pleads – can we meet and talk – this is the last favour I’ll ever ask, she tells Faith (again)

On the patio, Phyllis whines about Sharon attacking her son. You should thank me for showing restraint. Good – Nick’s glad she didn’t go ‘full Phyllis’ on her.

Mariah explains that shje let herself in to borrow a necklace from Faith. You said you were going to the office, Sharon goes to the kitchen to make a cup of tea; leaving Mariah to snoop through her Mom’s purse – where she finds a full bottle of meds.

Faith’s at the apartment to hear Lucy whine about her punishments. And your Mom’s obsessing and making things more horrible.

Sharon apologises for giving Mariah the third degree. She got accosted by that brat at CL’s; Lucy threw a tantrum. Then, she ran into Phyllis and Heather. Declining lunch, Sharon’s left to have a nap on the sofa. Cameron appears to say that she’s so close to getting closure – ending the pain and beginning the life she should never have lost. You’ll be whole again – for your family and Nick.

Yes, Nick was there when Sharon confronted Lucy and told her to stay away from Faith. Daniel tried to step in but followed Lucy when she ran out. He agrees that Sharon crossed the line. Phyllis thinks he should look into checking her into Fairview.

Nick asks Phyllis to cut Sharon some slack. Phyllis isn’t buying the excuse of Sharon’s meds being to blame – she’s dangerous. She’s scary and I don’t scare easy. If you don’t do something about it, I WILL, she marches out.

Your Mom dragged you out of Society – so uncool. Running into her later, I was so polite. She blew up at me – saying I’m desperate and needy – that I made you uncomfortable. She said all that? Faith’s sorry Lucy’s upset but won’t talk to her Mom – she’s not wrong. She needs to let go, Lucy says. You’re the one who needs to let go, Faith corrects.