Monday, September 9th, 2024

Sharon tells Nick that Lucy’s toxic. It’s concerning, Nick agrees that she crossed the line – I’m on your side, but these public outbursts aren’t helping. Nick defends Daniel by listing Lucy’s punishments. Sharon’s outraged that Nick’s not supporting her. I have someplace to be, she leaves Nick to make a call.

Getting home, Daniel says the way Sharon talked to Lucy isn’t OK – but neither is throwing Cassie in her face. Lucy’s furious that Sharon’s butting into her life by keeping her from the only friend she has. Daniel’s ruining her life too (over what happened with Cassie)

Nothing bad happened with Billy, Chelsea claims that he’s busy with his new job and she wants to spend all of her time with Connor. He can see that his Mom’s sad and knows they’d still be together if not for his OCD.

Chelsea’s genuinely worried about you. Sally thought she was the only woman who really knows Adam – but she’s not. I know you love me, Sally doesn’t question that. It’s a comfort to Sally that Adam has Chelsea – a woman who sees you as I do; the way that I did. On cue, Chelsea sends Adam a text – she needs his help because Connor’s ‘getting worked up’.

At the GCAC, Heather updates Phyllis on Lucy. She’ll grow out of it, Phyllis assures. They’re chuckling when Sharon marches over to say that Lucy’s out of control. She just accosted me in public! My patience has just about run out!

Daniel knows he’s made things hard for Lucy but it’s not fair to hit below the belt, with Sharon or me. Lucy feels that Sharon’s punishing her because of what Daniel did. Daniel thinks it might be a good time to go visit Paul. You guys are forever ruining my life, Lucy whines. You’re miserable – why do I have to be that way too????

At CL’s, Nick picks Mariah’s brain – Sharon’s making it seem like Faith doesn’t want to see Lucy. Mariah thinks Sharon’s turning Lucy into a villain. She’s not getting any better, is she? Nick asks sadly.

Did you know Mom and Billy broke up? Connor asks when his Dad arrives. He then asks if he and Sally are on a break too? If so, there’s no way you can say it’s not about me.

Daniel thinks it’s a good time to go to Portugal. Lucy protests – Faith likes me – we’re friends. You can’t believe someone would like me!

Heather doesn’t need Sharon’s advice on how to handle her daughter. Clearly you do – Lucy’s out of line and her parents can’t be bothered to say anything. After Heather leaves, Sharon unleashes on Phyllis – what do you mean ‘I’m not myself’ these days!?

Sharon was struggling before the accident – did you know she’s having nightmares about Cameron? No – Mariah caught her talking to someone the other day. Nick has to wonder if Sharon’s gone off her meds.

Adam uses a soccer analogy to explain to Connor that they’re a team. Connor’s agitated – you talk to me like I’m dumb. I have to go wash my hands, he walks off with a scowl. That leaves Adam to say that Billy’s the one who blew it up – he’ll have to fix it.

In the park, a weepy Sally leaves Billy a ‘call me’ message.

Lucy sent to her room, Daniel and Heather compare notes on their run ins with Sharon. It might be time to find a new town to call home.

Your granddaughter can’t take no for an answer – Sharon wonders where she got that from. Danny didn’t want you, Nick didn’t want you. Sharon will only say this once – get your family to back down. This craziness has to stop, Phyllis mutters as she pulls out her phone.

Back at CL’s, Mariah will risk being ‘intrusive’ (by looking into whether Sharon’s taking her meds – a request from a concerned Nick)