Thursday, September 5th, 2024

This is a little extreme – the girls aren’t having play-dates, Heather states the obvious. Faith’s going off to college and Lucy starts high school soon. You’re being overly dramatic. Daniel can only hope Lucy learns from her mistake. Sharon repeats her order for them to stay away from Faith (on Nick’s behalf this time too) Wow – so that just happened, Daniel and Heather are left at Society – That was nuts. Heather thinks Sharon’s unhinged. We need to stay out of that woman’s way. At the elevator, Cameron gives Sharon another pep talk.

Faith comes downstairs to tell her Dad that she couldn’t sleep – her mind keeps racing. She’s worried about Mom. Grandma and grandpa think she’s losing it don’t they? Mom’s struggling; she’s not getting better. I caught her talking to Cameron the other day. What else don’t I know? Nick’s alarmed.

Kyle and Jack bicker some more. You’re not acknowledging your role in all this, Jack has to ask if this is an act for Claire. Kyle thinks his Dad’s clueless – but thanks for the apology (he’s sarcastic) Diane walks in – hi Kyle. What happened? Ignoring her, Kyle stomps upstairs.

Heather thinks it’ll be easier to stay out of Sharon’s way if they go on vacation to Portugal. Now you’re going to drag me away!? Lucy comes out of the kitchen to yelp. Daniel asks her to dial it down a bit – you’re not the victim. Lucy apologises. Daniel hopes she’ll learn from her mistake and move on. They decide to go out to dinner.

Faith still has dreams about Cameron too. Like her Mom, she doesn’t want to worry her Dad. When Sharon comes home, the three decide to go out for something to eat.

Jack tells Diane what he overheard Kyle say to Claire. He apologised but Kyle didn’t believe it was genuine. Diane points out that Kyle didn’t mention her name to Claire once.

Of course Sharon’s OK – why wouldn’t I be? She looks over at Cameron. Arriving at Society, Heather, Daniel and Lucy stop by the Newmans table. When Lucy asks to speak to Faith outside, Sharon snaps – Absolutely not, stay away from her! And when Daniel thinks everyone should calm down, Sharon turns on him – don’t tell me what to do! Sharon drags Faith out by the hand. Following, an embarrassed Nick quietly apologises to the Romalotis.

In the park, Claire and Kyle joke about Harrison’s love of caterpillars. You hustled us out of the house pretty quickly – things didn’t go well with your Dad? She wants to help ‘bridge the gap’ – what do you have to lose?

Jack likely interrupted Kyle before he could mention you. Diane fears Kyle will never forgive her. Did I cause more damage by leaving him – or by coming back?

Next Week: It feels wrong to Mariah. I know, Nick agrees – but we need the truth – to know if your Mom’s on her meds or not…. If you walk through this door there’s no coming back, Billy warns Chance. What’s it gonna be??? … What do you have for me? Victor asks. Lily has what she believes is the key to Billy’s downfall.