Thursday, September 5th, 2024

Having brought Faith home, Sharon suddenly remembers that she left her purse at Memorial. Leaving Nick and his parents to fuss over Faith, Sharon’s joined by Cameron on the front step. It was no accident and we know who’s responsible, he fans the flames.

Lucy pleads and negotiates – she’ll double her other punishments to get ‘this one thing’ (starting her driving lessons) I’ll be stuck here for the whole year! she wails. Exactly – Heather and Daniel stand firm.

When Jack comes home to interrupt, Kyle’s looking for a fight and thinks Claire should leave before things get ugly.

After Jack goes to make some calls, Kyle complains to his ‘friend’. Claire’s the voice of reason. She watched her Aunt be consumed by hatred. It can take over your life. Yes, it’s eating away at Kyle – he doesn’t know how to stop it.

Faith tells her grandparents how she and Lucy got in the accident. Reminding that she drank and drove when she was Lucy’s age, Faith goes upstairs to rest.

No drivers licence period, Daniel and Heather insist. But wait, there’s more (punishment) Summer had a good idea. Arghhh, Lucy throws her hands in the air and leaves Daniel and Heather to agree – we’re not backing down. Sharon comes knocking – I need to speak to both of you.

Of course Sharon’s going through a rough time – Faith was just in an accident, Nick’s agitated. It started before the accident, Nikki also noticed her son watching Sharon as if she might break. Victor hopes he won’t be pulled back into her ups and downs.

Daniel and Heather list all of Lucy’s punishments. It’s a start, Sharon’s unimpressed – it’s a slap on the wrist. You’re being far too lenient. This could have ended very badly; we know that all too well, don’t we? she glares at Daniel.

Jack eavesdrops as Kyle admits to Claire how much he misses talking to his Dad. I’m the wronged party, he refuses to make the first move. He wants his Dad to apologise – is that too much to ask for? No, it’s not, Jack appears to answer.

After Claire goes to check on Harrison, Jack tells Kyle that he misses their talks too – I miss my son – I’m sorry. Kyle appreciates the apology but knows it only happened because of what Jack overheard.

There’s nothing to worry about (re Sharon) Nick insists. I love you Dad, he says as Victor and Nikki leave.

Heather won’t let it go – what happened to Cassie was tragic but Daniel suffers with it too. Sharon barks – what you allowed Lucy to do is outrageous. Allowed? Yes (Sharon Daniel and Heather, not Lucy) We screwed up, Heather admits – we’re sorry. Daniel doesn’t know what to tell Sharon but they’ve punished Lucy. Sharon doesn’t want Lucy anywhere near Faith again.