Thursday, August 22nd, 2024

Having snuck out of the house, Lucy thanks Faith for meeting her in the park. She apologises profusely and practically begs to be friends.

Having trouble sleeping? Sharon’s neither surprised or afraid by Cameron’s appearance. Still covered in blood, he quotes Macbeth; The bloodstains of guilt never wash away. Sharon will sit calmly until he goes away. Easier said than done, Cameron sits beside her.

At home, Sally demands the truth – did you sleep with Chelsea? Adam lies and blames Billy for this ‘sick’ idea.

Hugging Chelsea on the patio, Billy encourages her to open up. He could never hate her. It’s what you suspected, she confirms, but please don’t make me say it. Billy needs to hear Chelsea say it.

Cameron knows Sharon’s thinking about Cassie and Nick. We’re on a mission together. What mission? Sharon’s confused. You’re close to figuring it out – when Cassie died you lost Nick to Phyllis. Her death changed everything – you haven’t been happy since.

This is between YOU and ME, not Billy! Sally persists. Adam’s sorry – for being preoccupied. I’ll make it up to you. Look me in the eye and tell me the truth – did you sleep with Chelsea!? she asks again.

Chelsea explains how she and Adam felt when Connor tried to cut himself after their great visit. They turned to alcohol, then each other – it’s all such a blur. Next thing you know – oops – we slept together. Billy looks devastated.

Sally continues to badger and ‘beg’ Adam to be honest with her. For the last time, did you sleep with Chelsea? Adam hesitates – I’m sorry. I never expected it to come to this.

You must hate me, Chelsea’s SO sorry – can you ever forgive me? Billy’s glad she told him the truth. He didn’t want to believe it. How are you so calm? Chelsea wants him to let her have it. Billy’s numb – he’s not sure how he’ll feel when that goes away.

Faith’s honoured but has to be straight with Lucy – we’re different ages, in different stages of our lives. Lucy totally gets it and when Faith mentions the drinking asks if she’s reacting that way because of what happened to Cassie.

Sharon IS happy – she has her family, friends and a career – the company Cameron left her now helps people. You’re using it to ease the guilt of killing me, Cameron theorises.

Lucy tells Faith that her Dad still feels guilty over Cassie’s death – her drinking the other night must have brought up some feelings. Faith doesn’t blame Lucy or connect her to Cassie’s death. When she gets a text, Lucy totally understands that she’s going to meet her friends.