Wednesday, August 21st, 2024

Diane wants to fix this; she’s happy to hear that Kyle found common ground with Summer – perhaps you can find that with your father and I too. Do you really doubt our love for you?

Jack knows Kyle’s hostile and bitter. Adam knows too – he just ran into him. He believes Kyle will weaponize Glacade to punish Jack for firing him. Jack’s convinced that Victor’s manipulating Kyle; he wants to protect his son (so needs any info Adam can provide)

Billy’s now the one in denial while Sally’s hell-bent on finding out the truth. There’s only one way to find out, she strides out.

Jack realises he’s asking a lot but he’s desperate (to protect his son) Adam doesn’t know what his father’s end game is but when he took over at Newman Media he told Victor he wouldn’t use it to go after Jabot. Yes, it’s very possible that Victor owns Glacade. Adam won’t do anything to hurt Jack and will do what he can to protect him. And my son? Adam will keep his eyes and ears open. Jack appreciates having a friend he can count on.

Kyle’s harsh words bring Diane to tears – but the tears and her begging only make him want to move out faster. Diane weeps over losing Harrison; her second chance. It’s not our fault you decided to die, Kyle snarls. You screwed me over and won’t admit it – where is the love in that? he leaves his Mom to weep.

On the patio, Billy flashes back to the conversation he and Sally overheard – then Chelsea (possibly) ending things with a kiss. He’s about to leave when Chelsea appears – please tell me you’re not waiting for me (he is)

Sally comes home to give Adam the cold shoulder. Where were you? he asks. Where were you? she retorts.

Jack comes home to correctly guess that things didn’t go well between Diane and Kyle. Adam all but confirmed that Victor’s behind Glacade; he’s using NM to promote its relaunch. Then he’ll probably try to tear down Jabot. The only way to protect Kyle is to take away Victor’s power over Kyle – by crippling Glacade.

Adam was having a drink with Jack – he’s worried Victor’s corrupting Kyle. Is he? Sally asks. Adam wouldn’t put it past him. No more dodging, Sally loves Adam and deserves the truth. Yes or no – did you sleep with Chelsea in Baltimore?

Billy agreed to give Chelsea space – running into her doesn’t violate that, he quips. She’s sorry things are weird between them. No, it’s not alright. You can tell me anything – we’ll deal with it together, Billy encourages. Chelsea burst into tears. I can’t do this anymore – the lies – I’m so ashamed. I betrayed you, your trust, your love. I did something horrible – I hate myself for it! A tear rolls down Billy’s cheek as he wraps his arms around Chelsea, who sobs into his chest.