Monday, July 29th, 2024

Adam stands – is this interrogation over? Being a bigger jerk than I was to Chelsea isn’t helping. This is about Connor. For once, we agree, Billy goes inside to tell Chelsea ‘I’m here for you – you can tell me anything’.

Back on the patio, Adam whines about Billy. We just want to help – maybe it’s not paranoia, Sally replies without conviction.

Claire feels a sense of responsibility towards Harrison. Kyle and Summer will work things out eventually, Cole reassures. Claire’s determined to help Kyle by being his friend.

Kyle marches over to his parents table to put them both on notice – Jabot’s a bloated dinosaur which Glacade will render extinct. Glacade is the future – maybe then you’ll give me the respect and recognition I deserve! Audra clip clops after him to the revolving door.

Still on the patio, Sally asks Adam if Chelsea’s holding something back – from all of us (based on her reaction) Connor is the only thing that matters to us. When Sally backs off, Adam thanks her for understanding.

Chelsea loves Billy for trying to help – we’ll talk after we bring Connor home. She just wants to put all the fear, guilt and mistakes behind her ~kiss~ That leaves Sally to tell Billy that he shouldn’t have pushed this. He disagrees.

On the way to the airport, Chelsea blasts Adam – she doesn’t appreciate being blindsided (by his lie that he lashed out at her) I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown! How can we keep our son safe when we’re terrified our secret will come out!??

Their food ignored, Jack and Diane discuss Kyle. She doesn’t see how they come back from this. How far will Kyle go to prove his point? And at what cost?

There’s another scolding occurring in another car en route to the airport. Audra scolds Kyle for taunting their chief rival. Jack could use Jabot to crush us. Kyle knows he won’t (there’s some lines his father won’t cross) Don’t worry, I’m in control.

Back on the patio, Billy’s happy for Adam and Chelsea (that Connor’s coming home) Sally may regret asking but why does Billy seem more worried than he was before? He relays Chelsea’s parting words – that she wants to leave her guilt, fear and mistakes behind.

Chelsea tells Adam what she said to Billy. He knows something’s wrong; he won’t let this go. Adam wants to focus on Connor. Our secret can’t come out for his sake. It was one night – Billy and Sally can’t know we cheated on them. Can I count on you???

My Thoughts: I’m usually a fan of Jack’s but NOT today. There was no need for him to even address Audra – let alone address her with a derogatory ‘sweetheart’. Even as a term of endearment, it’s misogynistic. Never mind Jack’s hostile delivery. Audra didn’t say ANYTHING to provoke him. I’m surprised (and disappointed) that she didn’t put him in his place. When Jack said ‘he’s doing you no favours’, Audra should have cracked back ‘No, but I did YOU a favour by putting Tucker out of business. You’re welcome’. Smarten up Jack; don’t make me cheer for the Mustache! … Of all the evil things Adam’s done (and there’s been a LOT) forcing Chelsea to keep their secret (and using Connor as an excuse) ranks pretty high on the list. She literally told you that she’s on the verge of a nervous breakdown! And Adam/Chelsea want to keep their secret, maybe start by hitting the button that pops up the glass partition between them and their chauffeur!