Thursday, July 25th, 2024

You’ll never guess what happened, Summer joins her Mom at CL’s to boast that Kyle can’t take Harrison out of town without her permission. And it’s all thanks to Phyllis’ great advice.

Kyle comes home to find Claire and Harrison looking at a book on Paris. Harrison’s excited to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower – maybe we can see Mommy!

At the office, Billy has something to show Lily – our new company logo. My buddy did a great job – have a look – it really sends a message. Yes, that Abbott’s driving the bus and Chancellor’s the passenger, Lily’s not thrilled (Abbott is in a huge font about Chancellor)

Good morning, Nikki asks her daughter how it feels to be back at work. Like the first day of school – except Vikki used to run the school and for some reason doesn’t anymore. Both look up at Victor’s portrait. Is this what you want or are you just doing this for him? Nikki wonders.

Kyle tells Harrison that he won’t be able to take him and Claire on this trip after all. No, you didn’t do anything wrong. Claire cheers Harrison up with talk about trips to the zoo and museum – and you won’t have to miss your Mom.

Agreeing that Katherine would approve of her running Chancellor, Nikki was to wonder how Vikki feels about Billy taking a ‘big fall’.

Chancellor’s the more established company, Lily regrets telling Billy that Abbott could take ‘top billing’. Billy persists; it’s a solid logo. Look at us having our first disagreement as partners.

Vikki doesn’t like that Billy’s being unfairly blind-sided. Dad will say that business is business; he’s preserving Katherine’s legacy blah, blah blah. He relishes the idea of humiliating him. What will Johnny and Katie think? He won’t forgive me for not warning him – and Vikki wouldn’t blame him.

Lily wants the transition to be smooth and evolving. The logo should be simply Abbott-Chancellor. Consider it done, Billy agrees.

Kyle’s proud of the way Harrison took the news – we’ll go to Paris another time. Of course Claire can go. Mommy too? Harrison chirps. After he goes to the kitchen for his grilled cheese, Kyle loudly grumbles – it’s always about her (Summer) Shhh, Claire puts her finger to her lips.

Phyllis coaches Summer – document everything. Babe, I’m always in your corner – I’ll always be here for you. But, isn’t your heart breaking just a little bit? she has to ask.

If it’s any consolation, Nikki believes Billy will land on his feet, maybe at Jabot as Victor suggested. John nver got to see the great father and brilliant businessman Billy became. Feeling like a failure might crush him. She feels like calling him right now. Nikki won’t stop her.