Friday, July 26th, 2024

In the park, Nick and Faith admit that they’re both worried about Sharon.

Opening her front door, Sharon knows Nick didn’t come back to kiss her. Cassie? Her mind showing her another thing she wants to see, Sharon grabs her purse and leaves.

Chelsea arrives at Adam’s office. She’s more worried than he is about why Dr Hammond wants a videochat with them.

Running into Sally at CL’s, Billy doesn’t believe Adam’s story (that he lashed out at Chelsea)

Adam and Chelsea are surprised when Dr Hammond tells them that Connor’s ready to continue his treatment at home.

Nick tells Faith that her doctor adjusted her meds. Faith doesn’t think her Mom’s working too hard and she’s not sure she’s taking her meds.

At Society, Sharon confides in Daniel – why am I thinking about Cassie all the time? Hearing about her profound loss, Daniel’s sorry. Given his role in the accident, seeing/talking to him must be hard.

Please stop, Sharon wails when Daniel voices his regret. Grief doesn’t have an expiration date. She admits to feeling off. Daniel doesn’t see how it can be a bad that thing that Cassie’s loved/missed so much.

Billy thinks the four of them should get together to talk this out – a reminder that he and Sally are their biggest champions. What’ going on?! Sally question his suspicions.

We won’t mess it up – we’ll work as a team, Adam reassures the ‘scared; Chelsea. Our boy’s coming home to us. They hug briefly then pull apart awkwardly.

Chelsea and Adam not chat with Connor. Yes, he feels ready to come home and jokes about his Mom ‘gushing’ and his Dad saying she’s so ‘extra’. See you two goofs soon. Ending the call, Adam and Chelsea decide that Connor stay with his Mom again. She’s nervous. He’s sure they’ll all be able to cope. Let’s bring our brave boy home.

Takeout in hand, Sharon thanks Daniel. He’s always willing to talk about Cassie with her. If you ever need to unload, I won’t back away, he promises. Sharon wouldn’t tell Lucy but hopes Daniel does. After Sharon leaves, Lucy joins her Dad. She knows him being mad about her catching a ride home from the epic pool party has to do with Sharon – and Cassie.

Arriving at CL’s, Adam and Chelsea look guilty when seeing Sally and Billy (who’s determined to have this face off)

Billy can’t speak for Sally but it’s not good for him to jump to conclusions. Now might not be the time, Sally chimes in weakly. Billy loves Chelsea and Sally loves Adam – we can handle it.

Daniel hasn’t talked about Cassie because he tries to forget it happened. That accident, losing Cassie is something he regrets to this day and always will.

Nick tells Faith to enjoy her Mom, not spend the summer worrying about her. Faith wants to help; I live with her and I’m not a kid anymore. Their debate ends when Sharon appears in the park.

Lucy notes that she’s almost the same age Cassie was when she died – do you ever feel guilty? Yes. Sometimes when he runs into Nick, Sharon or Cassie or when his teenage daughter wants to hang out with the older kids. Lucy wants to know about her Dad’s life – good and bad.

No, Sharon’s not interrupting. She’s taking a break from work to have a picnic in the park. Nick asks if her meds are balancing out. Yes, Sharon feels totally back to normal.

Adam and Chelsea announce that they’re going to Baltimore to get Connor. Billy thinks they better have their little chat so they can get going.