Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

Traci’s fallen in love with the bar that’s come to mean so much to her and Alan. How long will she be in LA? A week perhaps, then she’ll stop in GC to see Jack. Alan had some speaking engagements lined up but canceled them to spend time with Traci.

Abby worries she’s making the wrong decision – again. Her track record aside, Ashley advises ‘listen to your heart’. Abby loves Devon – the kindest and most loyal man. Ashley thinks she has her answer. She’s sorry she’s not there to hug Abby. She feels she has her Mom back and gave good advice. The amazing Ashley Abbott. the Mom who raised me my whole life.

This has nothing to do with insecurity – everything to do with logic, safety and being a good parent, Summer knows Kyle’s taking Harrison away to hurt her. Claire’s never been out of the country and doesn’t speak French. Yet, you want her to be responsible for Harrison while you’re gallivanting around with Audra. Two women I don’t trust. Kyle fires back – you demand sole custody of a child who’s not biologically yours. Did you bribe the judge? No, Summer has facts on her side. My lawyer can fight dirty too! He makes the call and slams out.

Traci can’t believe Alan canceled speaking engagements to spend time with her. He can book more – I’m rather sought after. Traci knows that first hand. Have you ever been to LA?

Claire comes down – can I talk to you? Summer wasn’t attacking Claire – she and Kyle have issues (no kidding) Harrison knows you both love him, he senses something’s not right. The last thing Summer needs is parenting advice (no offence) Claire shows her Harrison’s drawing. The three of them in front of the Eiffel Tower. ‘I wish you could come too Mommy’.

Devon’s off to Society to meet his fiance. Victor invites himself along to celebrate.

Kyle orders a double whisky. Abby announces her engagement. Good for you – he’s meeting his attorney – I can have him draw up the divorce papers. That’s how most marriages end up.

Abby’s sorry things aren’t going well for Kyle with Summer. One day your dreams of wedded bliss will come crashing down – things will turn sour and mean – you’ll be fighting Devon for custody of Dom, he warns. Abby knows Kyle and Summer will work things out. She won’t press him to congratulate her but please don’t compare my future marriage to yours. Please be happy for me. OK but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Victor arrives to hug Abby. Kyle congratulates Devon – hoping it’s a match made in heaven. He then goes to meet his lawyer when he arrives. How can we fight this?

Harrison’s excited about this trip – he got a photo of the Eiffel Tower in the library, Claire explains. Summer knows what she’s trying to do and didn’t ask for parenting advice. Harrison’s so excited, Claire continues.

Traci invites Alan to come with her to LA. Ashley’s settled in and doing well. She said to stop putting our lives on hold – come with me. Alan doesn’t need to be asked twice.

Abby updates that her Mom’s doing well. You two tying the knot will speed up her recovery, Victor says as he orders a bottle of Society’s best champagne.

Traci can’t wait to show Alan ‘her’ Los Angeles, the real Los Angeles. He takes her hand – I’m so glad you came into my life.

Victor toasts the happy couple – the wonderful son of one of the few people he trusted (Neil) To the merging of GC’s two most prominent families. Neil’s smiling down at us.

Ending her chat with Claire, Summer will go upstairs to thank Harrison for the drawing – and will leave Kyle to explain why he’s not going to Paris. Claire’s sorry it has to be this way – it’s your decision to make. Yes, MY son, MY decision – I’m glad you get it, Summer leaves Claire to fume.

The lawyer assures Kyle that the judge wasn’t bribed – can’t you push back your trip? Kyle’s already scheduled meetings. He loathes telling Harrison. Summer’s being vindictive – well, two can play at that game.

My Thoughts: Why would Abby choose to call her Mom in the middle of Society. YOU chose when and where to make the call. For some reason, you chose to call your Mom in her ‘facility’ from the middle of your crowded restaurant instead of an office your presumably have onsite. It’s also weird that she makes a point of praising the job her Mom did on raising her ‘my entire life’ which is a reminder that Ashley denied Victor the right to raise his daughter OR that she could have easily conceived Abby with her brother’s sperm (conveniently stored right beside Victor’s in GC’s Sperm Sample Store) … Since Kyle and Summer are obviously past the point of civilly discussing Harrison, aren’t they also past the point that she should be walking into his home without even knocking? What’s to stop Summer from planting drugs in the Abbott home? Since Kyle’s so pissed off at his parents, why hasn’t he at least moved to the poolhouse? … While outwardly, Claire seems to be fully redeemed, inwardly, her quiet fuming could easily be read as evil loathing for Summer (and what’s not to loathe?) She and Kyle seem to hate one another more then they love their son and there’s no reason either of them should have sole custody. They can easily arrange shared custody of Harrison. If Summer really wants to ‘win’, any Judge would side with the parent who doesn’t leave him in the care of someone with Claire’s background…. Em – I wouldn’t exactly call Devon ‘the most loyal man’ ever. Rich words coming from the woman he was caught cheating with.