Thursday, July 19th, 2024

Running into Heather at Society, Phyllis is surprised and concerned to hear that she’s going to Portugal without Daniel.

At CL’s, Lucy’s all excited about going to a pool party tonight with Faith and her friend. The bathing suit Mom bought her is going to ‘slay’. However, when Faith and Miriam arrive, Lucy’s devastated to hear that her idol has changed her mind – Lucy coming to the party won’t work after all.

Running into Jack at the GCAC, Nikki accepts an invitation to join him for coffee (both knowing that Victor won’t like it one bit)

Startling Sally in the park, Billy hears about the Marchetti Z line for the first time but doubts that’s what’s troubling her.

Chelsea drops by Adam’s office. It’s Billy – I almost told him everything, she blurts out.

Thank God! Adam’s relieved to hear that Chelsea stopped herself from confessing to Billy (though she really wants to alleviate her guilt) He assumes she loves Billy as much as he loves Sally – do you really want to lose that?

Sally tells Billy that she challenged Adam over accepting Victor’s job offer; he’s been edgy lately. Billy relays Chelsea saying that she’s made mistakes and ‘can’t do this anymore’. Maybe they don’t want us to know what happened in Baltimore.

Nikki vents about Victor giving her job to Adam. When Jack wonders why she didn’t fight harder to keep it. Nikki did – but the stress made her want to drink.

Phyllis finds it odd that Daniel isn’t going to Portugal because of ‘time and temperature’. Heather assures things are going well between them – stop poking and prodding. Phyllis worries her son will go to a dark place again, and that Heather will leave him.

On the patio, Faith explains that the venue’s capacity is full and there’ll be alcohol there. I thought you didn’t drink, Lucy gets it – maybe next time – see you later. That was extra, Miriam comments. Rejoining her Dad, Lucy lies – the party’s still on.

Jack assures Nikki that he’s not tempted to take pills again – he’s worried about things between his wife and son though. When reminded that Diane fired Kyle, he wonders what Nikki’s getting at now.