Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Victor wants Newman Media to do what it does best – create a buzz about Glacade. No, nothing bad about Jack. Adam will get right on it. ‘This office suits you, your father’s very pleased’, Victor leaves Adam to mutter – it’s always about you, Pops.

Summer’s problem is with me (not you) – she turns every discussion into a battle, Kyle just wants to get Harrison away from the negativity. Claire still needs to think about it.

Sally drops by Adam’s office to apologize and deliver a tacky gift to commemorate the non-celebratory New Years Eve they spent in this very office. Now that they’ve made up, Sally hopes Adam doesn’t expect her to keep her thoughts to herself (not gonna happen)

Do whatever you have to do to win, Phyllis is saying when Nick arrives at Society. He sees no harm in Kyle taking Harrison and Claire to Paris and warns Summer against initiating a custody battle. Phyllis and Summer believe this is the only way to keep Harrison safe from Audra.

When Claire arrives at CL’s, Nikki tells Vikki not to worry about this new ‘wrinkle’ on her way out (which, of course, makes Claire curious/concerned)

Adam will always want to hear what Sally has to say. They’re kissing when Nikki arrives dripping with sarcasm ‘I’m so glad my company’s in such capable hands’.

Nick declares Kyle an amazing father who loves his son. But, if you fight this, we stand by you, don’t we? Phyllis gets him to agree. Summer’s heading back to the office to have her lawyer put a stop to Kyle taking Harrison out of the country. That leaves Nick to scold Phyllis for getting Supergirl all worked up – remember how your custody battle for Daniel went?

Vikki insists on hearing about the work issue that’s troubling Claire. Which is good because Claire needs her Mom’s advice.

Phyllis and Nick continue to debate whether Audra poses a threat to Harrison. Her breaking Noah’s heart isn’t relevant to Nick (no matter how hard Phyllis gives him ‘stink eye’)

After Sally escapes, Nikki wants to know what Adam’s take is on ‘all this’. Perhaps Victor’s placed terms and conditions on this job.

Vikki thinks a trip to Paris sounds wonderful. Then why does Claire feels so uneasy about it?

Phyllis pats herself on the back for all the great advice she just gave Summer. Words of advice from the Queen of Impulse Control, Nick praises her maturity. His meeting cancelled, he asks Phyllis to have lunch with him.

Adam claims to be as much in the dark as everyone else. Nikki fought this ‘temporary’ assignment and expects Adam to get the hell out of her office once her treatment’s done. Adam would be more inclined to relinquish control if he knew what Victor had planned for him afterwards. Nikki does NOT look enthused at the prospect of working with Adam towards their mutually beneficial goal.