Thursday, July 18th, 2024

At CL’s, Vikki asks Claire what bothers her about Kyle’s invitation to go to Paris – let’s figure it out.

Over the menu, Nick and Phyllis fall into jovial banter – but when Sharon arrives she wonders if he’ll regret inviting her for lunch.

Joining Chance at the GCAC, Summer wants to talk about something more pleasant than Kyle. Reporting that the de-merger is official, he’s sure it’ll be a disaster for CW.

In the park, Chelsea agonizes over what happened with Adam. The guilt and shame are overwhelming. She must tell Billy. Lo and behold,, he appears to ask what’s wrong. I can’t do this anymore, she apologizes.

Of course Phyllis won’t ‘start anything’ – she’s been perfectly nice to Sharon. Nick just wants peace. Here she comes, Phyllis forces a smile when Sharon comes over to say ‘hi’. Something’s going on with her.

Claire’s never left the US before and she doesn’t speak French. That’s not it, Vikki prods. Is it Summer?

Chance updates Summer that Jill regrets giving Billy so much power. It’s business as usual/smooth sailing on the Hamilton/Winters side while CW may not survive Billy’s ego trip. Yes, Chance is indeed thinking of leaving the company bearing his name.

Clair admits that she’s concerned about Summer – she still sees me as a threat. Vikki’s surprised to hear about the custody battle – you admire Kyle quite a bit. Do you have feelings for him?

As Sharon sniffs a candle in the background while waiting for her takeout order, Phyllis tells Nick about a weird encounter she had with Sharon recently – she ‘lost her mind on me’.

Over lunch, Summer reassures Chance that the problems at CW are all Billy’s fault.