Monday, July 15th, 2024

Chelsea can see that Adam’s made his decision. He hopes he can help his friend – and talk his Dad out of going after him, or her. Be careful, Chelsea needs Adam to stay stable for Connor. Think it through. Victor demands loyalty – protecting his target is risky.

Audra tells Nate that there’s no dots to connect – she worked for Victor at Newman Media. We share a mutual respect. You don’t want to be beholden to him, Nate knows from experience how quickly Victor can turn on you. He’s not my investor, Audra insists. Good because that autonomy you cherish so much – there’s no such thing with Victor – everyone’s expendable, Nate concludes.

At CL’s. Sharon clutches the photo of her, Nick and Cassie but slips it back into her purse when Chelsea arrives to report that things are going well with Connor. Yes, it’s wonderful but also terrifying.

Adam goes to Victor’s office to accept his offer – on one non-negotiable condition. Take it or leave it.

There’s more to this than Kyle going off on his own to do great things – Victor hired him as part of his revenge plot, Diane worries – how can we protect Kyle? Diane’s sorry she set this whole thing in motion by firing Kyle (which she had to do) Jack sees no choice – Kyle’s determined to turn his back on us. Both hate the thought of him and Harrison moving out but Kyle’s a grown man – he has to fail or succeed on his own terms. Jack believes backing away is the right thing to do.

Your co-CEO just showed up, Nate stands to congratulate Kyle and vacate his seat. The two of you will take Glacade to the top. Is that a thing? Kyle asks as he sits. Audra’s personal life is none of his business. I touched a nerve, Kyle’s smug.

Adam won’t falsify data, fabricate reports or do any mud-slinging. He won’t hurt Jack or his family. He’ll run Newman Media but won’t be his Dad’s hired gun. Victor quickly agrees – too quickly. Welcome to Newman Media.

Nick and Vikki both worry their Mom won’t ever get her job at NM back. Their phones ping – Dad wants to see us. Looks like we’re finally going to get some answers.

When Chelsea tells Sharon about their great day with Connor – then, him hurting himself, Sharon immediately guesses that the OCD was punishing him. It’s getting weaker – but it flared. Chelsea knows Connor may have episodes in the future. I can’t protect my son. It’ll be a lifelong battle – Chelsea’s not sure how to navigate that.

Nick and Vikki join Adam and their Dad at the office to hear that Adam’s going to run Newman Media – Vikki will join Nick at NE. You’re sidelining Mom to make room for Adam, Nick also takes issue with his Dad coercing Vikki to come back to work. Mom’s ready to come back to Newman Media. This reshuffling makes no sense to Nick and Vikki – what’s going on?

We’re never going to be friends – Audra doesn’t want to see photos of Harrison playing soccer, You and I are about the work – she doesn’t give a damn about anything else, especially Kyle (who tried to get Victor to cut her loose first chance he got)

Things are falling into place – that’s all you need to know! Victor raises his voice – how long has it been since you all worked together at the company?! Do you know something we don’t? Nope, Adam’s just another pawn. When Mom’s ready, Nick expects him to step aside. What happens to me then? Adam wonders.

What’s going to happen will happen – all you can do is stay strong and face it, moment by moment, day by day, Sharon’s tone alarms Chelsea. Are you alright? Of course – you try to protect your kids – sometimes you can’t, Sharon’s clearly thinking about Cassie.

We told Kyle we love him and will always be there for him, Jack believes that’s all they can do. Listing everything the family’s gone through lately, it’s time to heal – to get back to what WE have; how much we love each other. Kyle will come around, Jack’s sure.

Yes, Victor told Audra, and he’s not happy you’re already trying to stab me in the back. Audra didn’t want Kyle as a partner either – but here we are. Audra’s going to Paris. You’re staying here to set things up. Naw, this whole divide and conquer thing doesn’t work for Kyle. You don’t trust me to go to Paris alone? Audra’s indignant.

Everything will be resolved when the time comes, Victor tells his three kids to stop worrying – you’re all exactly where you’re supposed to be. Meeting adjourned! he dismisses them. In the hallway, Nick and Vikki are sure Adam knows what Dad’s up to – fill us in.