Friday, July 12th, 2024

Harrison’s OK with moving to a new house. He can take his toys and will still see his grandparents. Dad said to think of it as an adventure. How about an adventure with Mommy too? Harrison’s excited about having another bedroom and he’d LOVE to help choose the house!

Surprise Mom! Mariah, Nick and Tessa have brought take out from Society. Is it a bad time? Nick asks. Sharon looks like a zombie.

That’s so sweet and thoughtful, Sharon apologizes for the mess. She’s been working on a project. Do you work from home a lot? Nick asks. Sharon started feeling a tickle in her throat. Silly me ( she typed out a message to Mariah but didn’t send it. Sharon’s talked to her doctor – it’ll take a bit for the new meds to balance her out. As she plods into the kitchen, Nick, Mariah and Tessa look worried.

Katie tells Claire that it’s best to be honest with Mom – she can be overbearing. Sometimes you need a little space. Let her know if she’s being too ‘extra’ – she’ll appreciate it. Claire thanks Katie – I knew you’d be the perfect person to help. Katie asks what it was like growing up with her Aunt. She sounds scary.

Inside, Billy thinks it a good sign that they aren’t screaming. Per Chelsea’s advice, they should respect that this is a big adjustment for Katie. They’ll get there, Cole’s sure. Johnny bets his Dad $100 that they’ll come in from the patio as best friends.

Scary is too nice a word to describe Jordan – she’s terrifying – she controlled every aspect of my life, Claire grew up without friends and couldn’t trust anyone in college. It was lonely. She’d have given anything to have had a confidante – maybe a sister, like you.

Kyle would never take advantage of Claire – he’s in awe of her; so kind and forgiving. Her connection with Harrison is remarkable, inspiring. Kyle would never take advantage of Claire and is disappointed that Victor thought he would. It’s hard to know where I stand with you. Do you trust me at all? And, if not, what the hell am I doing here? No one ever knows where they stand with me, Victor claims.

You’ve said and done all the right things, Victor praises – even Kyle standing up to him now proves that hiring him to run Glacade was the right move. He also likes that he’s protective of Claire. That said, things will get messy between you and your parents, Victor doesn’t want Harrison or his granddaughters caught up in the looming war between the Abbbotts.

The table clear, the take out bag unpacked, Nick’s ready to dig in. Mariah got Mom’s favourite; mushroom risotto. No, these are your favourites; kale salad, salmon (Sharon quickly realizes this dinner was for Mariah and Tessa) You weren’t planning on coming over here. You ran into Nick and came on a whim because you’re worried about me.

Claire and Katie rejoin the family. How did your visit go? the family wonders. Good, Claire thinks. Thumbs up or thumbs down, Johnny asks – are you willing to at least tolerate our new sister? I guess so, Katie answers. Yes!! Johnny crows – someone owes me a hundred dollars!

Harrison’s unimpressed when Summer brings out a plate of carrots and celery; happier when she pulls a plate of cookies from behind her back. We won’t tell Daddy. Harrison has a question – are you asking me to choose between living in your new house and Daddy’s?

Coming home, Kyle didn’t know Summer was stopping by. I’m gonna have two new bedrooms in two new houses, Harrison boasts. Mom’s letting me choose the new house with her! After Harrison goes to wash up for dinner, Kyle drops the facade – what the hell, Summer?

Anyone want to go to Society for dinner? Billy declines – he has to go meet Chelsea at the club. After they all send their best regards to Connor, Billy pauses to tell Katie how proud he is of her being cool with Claire. They rest decide to go out to dinner together.

We’re busted – Nick admits they came to check on Sharon; to make sure she’s not running herself into the ground. Mariah will help at Cassidy First – and Ester doesn’t need to be supervised at CL’s. Mariah believes her Mom’s running herself ragged on purpose. Why would I do that? Because you’re lonely. How could I be lonely? I have all of you busybodies here to remind me of how loved I am, Sharon’s about to burst into tears.

Billy Boy, join me for a drink, Victor’s at the club’s bar. No catch – he just wants to ask Billy a question.

An indignant Summer just wants to provide Harrison with a comfortable home. Kyle questions the timing. Are you actually asking Harrison which one of us he wants to live with? Because that’s what it sounded like when he came home. Now you’re eavesdropping? Summer’s indignant. Kyle believes she’s getting her ducks in a row – no judge would approve of a kid living in a hotel room. Summer would do anything in her power to provide a stable home for Harrison. Can you say the same? And on that mic drop, she leaves Kyle to think about it.

Victor appreciates Billy supporting Chelsea. He has a question – is it true you helped pull Chancellor Winters apart? You know it is, Billy confirms – but why do you care? You don’t think ahead, you don’t play chess, Victor points out that the two companies are now more vulnerable to attack. Why does that matter to you? Billy asks again. Jill’s an old friend and Devon is Neil’s son – Victor doesn’t want harm to come to either of them because of Billy’s arrogance.

At Society, as Claire and the family chat animatedly, Cole and Vikki hold hands under the table.

The girls are laughing with Nick as Sharon quietly slips into the kitchen. Bracing herself on the sink, she sighs – then turns around when hearing Cassie’s voice, ‘Mom’.

My Thoughts: Claire! Claire! Claire! Katie must be channeling her inner Jan Brady. “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” …. Does Victor really think that no one knows where they stand with him? Anyone who’s found themselves on the pointy end of Victor Newman damn well knows it. Just ask, well, anyone … Um. Has everyone forgotten that Billy’s a recovering gambling addict? Is no one alarmed that Johnny wants to bet him (and for how much)? …. Great idea – the little fairy-house doors Claire and Harrison install around the bottom of trees in the park will be fun targets for all the peeing dogs.