Friday, July 12th, 2024

Not expecting a visit, Victor sternly tells Kyle never to discuss Glacade within these four walls (his office) Kyle’s there on personal business – why did you tell Claire to be careful around me?

At CL’s, Katie’s annoyed when her Mom mentions Claire yet again – why are you trying so hard to get me to like her? Why are you trying so hard to hate her? Johnny fires back. Cole’s arrival further triggers Katie – he’s around all the time – why can’t he and Claire go hang out together, by themselves? Billy arrives to watch from the patio as Katie whines: Claire, Claire, Claire! Nothing’s the same!

Summer’s at the house when Claire brings Harrison home. She’s sorry they’re late. As usual, Harrison bubbles over with excitement for Claire. And that makes Summer sad.

At Society, Mariah asks Nick if he’s talked to her Mom (who didn’t come into work today) Sharon has seemed a little ‘off’, he’s observed. Mariah hopes it’s not because they talked about Cassie the other day.

Asleep on her sofa, Sharon has a nightmare – the night of Cassie’s accident – sobbing on her casket – the launch for Cassidy First Technology. Her tiny living room is cluttered.

Startled awake as she’s reaching out for Cassie, Sharon sits up gasping. What’s happening to me?

Nick tells Mariah and Tessa that the doctor’s been adjusting Sharon’s meds/’mood stabilizers’. Mariah worries it’s more than that – she’s working so hard to distract herself from how lonely she is.

Summer hasn’t heard the song Harrison’s been learning at camp. Claire only knows it because she saw them practicing when she picked Harrison up. Tomorrow, they’re making little doors to put around the trees – to make it look like fairies live there. One fun thing after another, Summer pouts. The icing on the cake? Harrison rushes to the door to send his nanny off with their well-rehearsed high-fives.

Harrison tells his Mom he saw Johnny and Katie at the park but hung out with Claire mostly – Katie didn’t want to hang out with us. Summer changes the topic – tell Mommy how you feel about you and Daddy moving to a new house.

What’s going on? Billy strolls over to ask. Your daughters’ embarrassing us all, Johnny quips. Vikki apologizes to Cole on Katie’s behalf. Cole understands – it’s a big adjustment for all of us. Shouldn’t you be spending time with Claire instead of my Mom? Katie blurts out. Cole encourages her to speak her mind. He is spending time with Claire; your Mom and I are making up for lost time. We’re in no way looking to replaced the family you have, he reassures. Johnny thinks Cole’s cool – Claire too. Katie rants – what if I just don’t like Claire? Is that an option? Claire comes over hoping to speak to Katie in private. They proceed to the patio.

Claire begins by thanking Katie for agreeing to talk to her. She needs help and didn’t know who else to go to. Sometimes Claire feels like she’s demanding too much of her Mom’s time and doesn’t want to take advantage of her Mom’s generosity. She might be neglecting other obligations to be available for me. She is spending a lot of time with you, Katie agrees. How can Claire ask her Mom to give her some space without hurting her feelings?

Back at Newman, Victor tells Kyle that his warning to Claire was on a wider scope than Kyle’s insinuation. Glad to hear they’re just friends, Victor points out that Claire grew up isolated by her Aunt; Kyle’s a man who’s had life experiences Claire can’t begin to comprehend. He’s protective of his granddaughter and in no uncertain terms warns Kyle not to take advantage of her naivety.