Thursday, July 11th, 2024

Nate comes through the revolving door. Immediately spotting Audra hard at work, he sends a text – take a break? Then another – is that all I get? A sigh? Scanning the entire restaurant before spotting Nate, Audra finally smiles and almost giggles.

At Society, Summer declines discussing what’s wrong and praises Sally’s frock designs. This arrangement’s working out so well – she wants to make some changes.

Did that really just happen!? Our son might be getting better! Adam and Chelsea are so ecstatic about Connor’s progress that they hug.

Chelsea and Adam pull apart to apologize to one another. I initiated the hug. Yes, but I held your hand first. She needs to go find Billy. What happened in that hotel room… Knock, knock. Victor hopes he’s not interrupting (clearly, he is)

Awkwardness aside, Chelsea and Adam update Victor on Connor’s progress. Victor would like to speak to Adam privately – which works for Chelsea since Summer wants to see her (probably something on the winter line that needs fixing) That leaves Victor to ask Adam if he can count on him to run Newman Media.

Back at Society, Summer has no problem with Sally’s designs and is even able to joke about their history. When Chelsea arrives, Summer explains that she wanted to meet with both her designers. Are you firing me and replacing me with Sally!? Chelsea blurts out in alarm.

Nate chides Audra for barely looked at him since he sat down. Finally looking up from her work, she’s determined to prove him wrong (and that she’s up to the task of running Glacade) Are you seriously going to sit and watch me work? No, Nate extends his hand – come with me.

Because Marchetti isn’t big enough for two creative directors, Chelsea’s sure she’s getting fired. No, Summer wants to expand Marchetti with a new, trendy line; Marchetti Z – with Sally as it’s lead designer. Chelsea loves the idea and is sorry about being territorial. All three ladies now happy, it’s time to discuss Connor. You and Adam are in sync with the co-parenting thing, not everyone’s so lucky, Summer sadly comments. Adam’s been an emotional wreck – Sally’s glad he has Chelsea to lean on.

Adam’s intrigued by Victor’s offer but if he’s to fight on the front line, he wants to know who he’s battling. If that’s what it takes, Victor will name the enemy.

Nate’s brought Audra to the park to watch the sun set. Admiring the view she lists the problems on her first day; the price of glass went up 30% – nail polish bottles will have to get smaller or they’ll have to charge the consumer more. Plus, there’s supply-chain issues with a specific shade of pink pigment and cheap knockoffs of their fragrances going to market. Nate finally hands over one of the to-go cups he’s brought along. Oolong tea has many health benefits. It tastes like wet socks, Audra complains. Nate’s sorry for doubting her. She agrees to stay a bit longer.

Handing Sally’s tablet back, Chelsea calls the adjustments ‘genius’. A text from Summer’s realtor sends her rushing off – she’s looking for a new house for herself and Harrison. After a moment of awkwardness, Chelsea tries to escape but Sally asks her to stay – there’s something we need to talk about. Uh oh.

Hearing that Victor’s acquired Glacade, Adam wishes he could have seen the look on Tucker’s face. Victor wants to remain anonymous. Tucker’s not the target – he wants Newman Media to create a massive buzz around Glacade and go after the competition. That’s it? What aren’t you telling me? Adam’s (rightfully) suspicious.