Monday, June 23rd, 2024

Losing a child is the worse thing a parent can go through – Sharon doesn’t blame Nick for ‘spinning out’. They talk about Cassie until Faith gives her weepy Mom a hug.

Heather’s astounded to hear that Daniel refused Lily’s offer to give him Princess Louisa. I didn’t say I gave it away for nothing, he adds with a twinkle in his eye.

Billy thinks it past time to accept that he and Devon won’t see eye to eye. He and Lily agree that the merger is a failed vision. The companies and their divisions should be separated. Devon has a hard time believing his sister’s willing to just walk away from Winters.

Daniel explains that Princess Louisa will be in Omegasphere’s classic game library. There’ll be no spin offs. The contract will be sent over in a few days. Heather and Lucy see reason to celebrate. CW will make a sizable donation to Lucy’s college fund. All three are happy.

After Faith goes to meet friends from Walnut Grove, Sharon’s left to look sad.

Billy’s the only one who wants to grow CW, Phyllis isn’t defending Billy, she’s calling it like she sees it. He’s trouble, Nick warns. He’s not optimistic about Billy having a spot for her once things blow up at CW.

Billy hopes Devon will stop being so territorial and see that this is the right move for both companies. Devon doesn’t get why Billy doesn’t just take Chancellor and go – what do you need ‘her’ for?

Faith arrives at Society to chat with Daniel, Heather and Lucy (who’s excited to meet ‘that girl’ – did you really have a bomb strapped to your waist!?) It’s OK, Faith doesn’t mind talking about it – over lunch some time, she gets a text saying to meet her friends elsewhere.

Lily’s insulted – does Devon not think her an asset? How would Billy be ‘using’ her? I’m unqualified and naive? Billy interjects – you’re the problem, he accuses Devon. Stop, both of you – Lily’s going into this because SHE thinks it’s her best move. Are we clear on that? she glares at Devon.

What if Phyllis DID talk to Billy about a job? I’m good at what I do, I have value and skills. Nick knows that – he just worries she’s acting impulsively. Take a breath, make sure the next place you go is the right place.

Change of plans, gotta go, Faith rushes by Sharon. Lucy’s mortified when her Dad talks to Sharon as if he’s setting up a ‘play date’ with Faith – I’m not 8! Declining the offer to join them, Sharon flashes back to Daniel’s role in Cassie’s death. Pausing briefly to watch the happy little family, she exits unsteadily.

Daniel, Heather and Lucy express their love for one another – whatever their next adventure will be, they’ll be on it together.

Phyllis thanks Nick for always looking out for her. No, she’s not surprised. If anyone looks out for her, she’d hope it would be him. She’s clasping Nick’s hand across the table when Sharon returns with her take out.

This motion will need a board vote, Devon states – after Abby gets back from Paris. Though an impatient Billy suggests videochat, Lily agrees – we can marinate on it for a day or two. After Billy marches out, Lily she shuts the door. What the hell were you doing!? Devon was selling the plan. It sounded like he was trying to sabotage it to her.