Friday, June 21st, 2024

Vikki’s also sad that their home burned down. Katie doesn’t see why Claire has to live with them. Victor drops by to ask his grandkids how they feel about their big sister. Like Claire, he grew up without a loving family – we must welcome her. Katie seems to soften.

At Society, Nikki and Nick agree that Adam shouldn’t run Newman Media – but her ire is directed towards him when he mentions his working relationship with his brother.

Encouraging Traci to tell him about herself, Alan’s impressed to hear that she sang with Danny Romalotti. Her eyes glisten as she talks about her parents. Whatever haunts Ashley from her past is now haunting Traci.

You want to kiss and make up with my son? Diane’s skeptical. Yes, Audra’s apologizing for her actions during her Tucker-era. She’s starting fresh. Are you ‘motivated’ or ‘desperate’. Please keep an ope mind, Audra asks Kyle before leaving Diane to grill her son.

Ashley might be one of the rare instances in which childhood trauma didn’t cause her DID, Alan assures Traci that they’ll all get through this. She’s lucky to have a sister like you. Traci agrees to more wine but won’t sing for Alan.

Back at Society, Nick respects Adam not shirking his responsibilities at work due to Connor. No, Dad’s not unhappy with your work at Newman Media. Then why does he want to make these drastic changes? Nikki doesn’t get it.

No diving, Vikki instructs the kids as they head off to the pool. She and Victor then discuss Katie adjusting to her new big sister and Victor’s insistence that Adam replace Nikki at NM. Yes, Vikki will think about coming back to Newman.

Don’t make a thing of it, Kyle tries to reassure his Mom – you don’t get to dictate who I spend time with. Stop putting me in my place. Diane can see the disdain he has for her. Kyle thinks she’s blowing things out of proportion. When your father gets home from Paris, Diane warns that they’ll lay down an ultimatum – get on line or be fired.

Dad’s hyper-protective of you, that’s the only thing that makes sense to Nick – and Adam’s the logical choice to run NM.

Diane hisses at Kyle – you put a huge deal in jeopardy. She won’t put up with this any longer. Well hello, Victor comments as Diane storms past him. Victor goes over to join Kyle. Yes, it might be time for a change, he agrees.

Back at the Paris apartment, Traci thanks Alan for seeing her home. Maybe next time she’ll sing for him. Good night, he leaves her looking smitten.

Nick suggests his Mom focus on her charities. Let Dad move the chess pieces around. She agrees to go along with it – for now – until we see which pieces topple.

Victor hopes Kyle will run Glacade with Audra. Not wanting to work with Audra; a professional backstabber, he’ll take the role as Glacade’s sole CEO. You don’t need her if you’ve got me.