Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

Kyle’s surprised to find Claire at CL’s, instead of ‘big-sistering’. That was the plan – she reports that Johnny was OK with her, Katie, not so much.

At the tackhouse, Johnny focuses on his phone while Vikki empathizes with Katie. Claire was looking forward to meeting you. The kids at school say she’s crazy and dangerous – is she? Katie wants to know.

At Society, Billy takes it a good sign that Lily wanted to meet him outside the office. As a matter of fact, she does indeed have good news for him.

Running into Devon at the park, Victor boasts that his grandson scored a goal in soccer – a header; just like Renaldo. He then invites Devon to sit – let’s talk.

Over salads and champagne, in the club’s dining room, Audra revels in her win. She plans to make Glacade a big success. Tucker doesn’t like to lose and he plays dirty, Nate warns.

Audra tells Nate that she’s not afraid of Tucker. Losing Glacade to her will cripple him in the business world. He might even stay in Paris. Plus, she knows all his tricks. In no uncertain terms, she lets Nate know that she’s over Tucker.

Back in the park, Victor asks Devon how things are going at CW. Oh, you haven’t heard? Tucker suffered a humiliating loss in Paris. IF he comes back to GC, he’ll try to worm his way into your company. Devon has no intention of letting that happen.

Lily and Billy discuss her resolution with Daniel and Jill’s treatment taking a toll on her. Now, back to business, has Lily made a decision about his proposal that they run CW together? Are you ready to pull the trigger? Billy’s hopeful.

Claire’s been manipulated her whole life by her Aunt but she’s not crazy, Vikki adds that the family sees what a kind person she is. Please give her a chance, she implores of Katie. When Johnny agrees, she snaps – stop pushing her on me!

Claire’s not giving up but forcing things with Katie will only push her further away. She’s disappointed but cautiously optimistic. Katie will come around – even Summer has, Kyle lists Claire’s traits – you’re cheerful and hard not to like.

Lily thinks Billy’s drive is contagious. Taking CW to new heights with him is appealing. Yes, we’re gonna do it. But, hold off on the champagne – there’s a catch, she adds.

While Audra’s learned to trust no one with her heart, Nate believes a loveless life is a waste. Here’s to hoping you change your mind, they clink glasses. Audra has an empire to build so doesn’t need any distractions in her life. Victor sends a text – he needs to see her as soon as she returns to GC. Who was it? The mystery investor? Nate guesses.

Audra has to run. Your big investor awaits, Nate continues to pry – must be a big fish. Glacade’s not in competition with CW so you have nothing to worry about, Audra points out. Nate sees a red flag – this investor paid a lot for a start up – he or she may have ideas of their own on how they want their investment managed.

Lily doesn’t want to hurt Devon or Nate. She loves her brother and doesn’t want him to feel marginalized. As such, she’ll only move forward if they undo the merger. Devon takes Winters, we run Chancellor, or should I say, Abbott Chancellor.