Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

Back at the club, Devon tells Nate that Lily wouldn’t turn on her family – but this Billy thing is weighing on her. He also shares their plan to dupe Billy; agreeing to run CW with him – then returning after they split the company.

Claire comes down with her wrapped gifts. Johnny and Katie’s plane has landed – she’s been tracking their flight. Perhaps the gifts were a bad idea. Vikki thinks she’s overthinking things. Seconds later, Billy arrives with the bickering kids. Introductions are awkward.

Claire’s happy to meet them both. Johnny’s rude; What’s it like in the mental hospital? What was it like being raised by your ‘crazy Aunt’? Claire’s candid and while she starts to win Johnny over with humour, Katie wants to go to her new room – since Claire’s Aunt burned their home down.

Back in the park, Daniel tells Lily that he’s calling off the lawsuit. She came to tell him the same thing. Neither saw this coming and since both have negative feelings towards Princess Louisa, they wonder what happens to the game now.

Abby comes to CW to give Devon a hug. Her Mom sounded so calm and confident on the phone last night – what if I was talking to one of her ‘alters’? She needs to go to Paris. Let’s go, Devon says without hesitation ~hug~

Still at the club, Nate greets Audra. He has to ask, what happened in the city of lights??

You seem pretty pleased with yourself, Nate observes. Yes, because Audra beat Tucker. You’re looking at the new CEO of Glacade. That’s quite the coup, Nate wonders who her investor with the deep pockets is. Audra’s not at liberty to say. Yes, Nate would love to celebrate with Audra.her. One question – can you keep up? she sashays away.

What happened to our house wasn’t Claire’s fault, Vikki gently chides Katie. Claire’s so sorry – it must seem like it’s my fault, she understands. You don’t know me! How could you understand!? Katie finally erupts. Let her go, Claire says quietly after she stomps upstairs. Vikki’s so sorry (and even Johnny looks mildly ashamed) Give her some time, Claire knew it wouldn’t be easy for any of them.

Neither Daniel or Lily can see Princess Louisa being pulled off the platform. Maybe we shouldn’t develop it further; make it a nostalgic classic. CW will open a college tuition fund for Lucy. Daniel thinks that very generous – and fair. He wishes Lily all the best. She’s left to text Billy (as he’s leaving the tackhouse) Are you free it talk? Important.

My Thoughts: Bold of Nate to look all indignant at the thought of Lily turning against her own family (which couldn’t possibly be worse than what he, himself, did. For one, she told Devon what Billy wanted to do) … I don’t really like to comment negatively on appearances – but Heather (Vail Bloom sp?) is naturally beautiful. Naturally. The Botox and fillers sharpen her features and make her eyes look smaller. She’s one of those women who’ll look like that cat-lady if she overdoes it … Good job Claire’s lip gloss is clear because whoever applies her makeup didn’t stay within the lines…. Great that Lily and Daniel were able to compromise – but their arrangement didn’t make any reference to compensating Daniel. Yes, a college fund for Lucy is ‘generous’ but he’s still unemployed and therefore, has no income. If he’d let his lawyer do her job, he might have negotiated a percentage of any profits from merchandising or movie rights etc. for Princess Louisa … And, I hope Lily remembers to call the lawyer she sent on ahead to mediate her case… Good job on the casting for Katie – she looks like a mini-Vikki; exactly what you’d think a child conceived by her and Billy would look like. So, it’s hardly a surprise that she’s a little brat 😉 Perhaps Vikki should have taken time off to focus on family years ago instead of shipping them off to boarding school.