Monday, June 17th, 2024

Nikki has an idea. She’ll tell Victor that she’s ready to return to work as long as she has Vikki by her side.

Victor wants Newman Media to publish what Adam calls ‘propaganda’ about a rival company. Yes, it’s because Adam has loose ethics. Who are you going after? Maybe I’ll consider it. After Adam leaves, Victor gets a call from Audra – there’s been a snag.

Ashley’s doing well – she wants you to be happy, Traci declares the slate clean. Tucker actually came to speak to Jack. About what? Jack appears to ask.

Vikki wants to focus on her family and thinks Nikki should focus on her sobriety. You can do as much or as little as you want, Nikki won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

Audra tells Victor how Tucker stalled by collapsing. He faked it, she’s sure. Find out what that SOB’s up to and get back to me, Victor orders.

After Traci leaves, Tucker accuses Jack of being the mystery investor who’s trying to push him out of his own company.

No, Nikki won’t be talked out of preventing Adam from running Newman Media. Vikki finally caves in to the ’emotional blackmail’. Nikki would rather call it her powers of persuasion.

Jack scoffs at the idea that he’s coming after Glacade; a second rate competitor to his world class Jabot. He thinks Tucker ‘delusional’ – he’s in Paris because of Ashley. Take your ridiculous accusations and go!

At the main house, Nikki and Vikki tell Victor their plan to run Newman Media together. Adam can stay working well with Nick. What could be better than that?

Victor’s indignant that Vikki would work at Newman Media but not NE. This is all about Adam. Not gonna happen, Victor does NOT want it.

About to wheel his suitcase out of his condo, Adam flashes back to Victor saying he wants someone as ruthless as he is to run Newman Media. He’s conflicted.

The assistant wasn’t able to come up with any dirt on the board members. Audra returns – well, well, well – look who’s feeling better. Drink in hand, Tucker announces – it’s over – you won.