Friday, June 14th, 2024

After Sharon gets back to work, Adam and Chelsea’s nerves come out – now’s not the time to give up – we must embrace hope. They decide to go to Adam’s to call Connor (to see if he’s really ready for them to visit) But first they exchange a few kind words with Sharon.

You’ve already lost the company, Audra tells Tucker that he’ll be well compensated. Tucker wonders who this secret investor is. But wait, of course, he knows exactly who it is.

Alan’s not sure how long Ashley will have to stay at the clinic. The doctors will focus on her recent trauma first.n

Jack and Traci can’t believe that Ashley’s likely had alternate personalities since childhood. They can go dormant for long periods of time and trauma can trigger them, Alan explains. What if Ashley’s alters have just gone dormant again? Jack has to wonder.

Connor proudly tells his parents that he had soup. It’s a big deal. Adam and Chelsea congratulate him and agree it’s a big deal. They’re so proud of him. Out of camera range, they hold hands and share a smile.

I don’t have that information and calling me every five minutes won’t make it come any sooner! Sharon ends a call as Nick appears to ask if something’s wrong.

Tucker believes Jack is Audra’s secret investor – I’ll find out at the meeting anyway, he’s sure. He or she won’t be at the meeting and Audra won’t say who bought his company out from under him. Anonymity is part of the agreement – and she’ll honour it. His ‘one last chance to reconsider’ rejected, Tucker promises Audra that she’ll pay – and leaves.

Alan reassures Traci and Jack that the staff will take good care of Ashley; she realizes this is the only answer. He’s humble and glad he can be of service. Jack and Alan have no problem convincing Traci to stay in Paris.

Connor’s now ready for a visit from his parents – he doesn’t want them to turn their lives upside down. Adam tells Connor that Sally’s taken over for Mommy so that she can be available for him. Connor can’t wait to see them.

Everyone’s on the call – they’re just waiting for you, the assistant tells Tucker. Are there any options left? she asks. Tucker rubs his chest as if he has heartburn. Hello everyone – we’re all here, Audra thanks everyone for attending this important transfer of power. Tucker apologizes – he was just feeling a bit light headed. Sorry – I have to get some air. He stumbles and then tumbles over. What the hell!? Is this even for real? Audra’s alarmed.

Sharon’s been having trouble sleeping since her doctor changed her bipolar medication (because her blood sugar was high) Nick sees nothing wrong with her being grouchy every once in a while. He’s impressed with her and his Mom’s strength. Your Mom and I are survivors – we stay strong for ourselves and our loved ones.

Chelsea and Adam excitedly chatter about Connor’s progress. Connor’s doing it! After a hug, she goes home to pack. Adam will make arrangements for the jet. Hold onto the good thing that just happened, Chelsea encourages him – even if Connor’s not as excited when we get there.

When Audra storms in, the assistant’s fussing over Tucker as he lays in bed (medics are en route) The board meeting’s been postponed. Audra does NOT believe anything’s wrong with Tucker.

Jack will stay in Paris as long as he can. He’ll go check into his hotel, make some calls, then meet Alan and Traci for lunch. Now alone, Alan invites Traci out to diner. She’d be delighted.

Adam comes home to call Nick with an update on Connor – he and Chelsea want to go see him, immediately – is the jet available? You’ve got it, Nick doesn’t hesitate. Adam appreciates his support. He looks conflicted when getting a text from Victor. Need to see you immediately. Urgent.

Before you see the patient, he’s faking, Audra tells the doctor that Tucker’s pulling a fast one on his board of directors. He’ll do anything to save his company – but you can’t stop the inevitable. The assistant scolds her – you’re causing him more stress. Audra’s not going anywhere. Get out, Tucker doesn’t want to be looking at Audra as he takes his last breath.