Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Audra won’t tell Tucker who the secret investor is – it’ll be a surprise. You’re enjoying this, Tucker can see. Seems she is – accept that you failed. She’s taking Glacade for the hell he put her through) When he follows her into the hallway to practically grovel, Audra already has what she wanted – her to win; Tucker to lose.

If the Abbott name’s added to the company – then what? Phase two, you and I take over, he tells Lily. It’s selfish, Lily explains the hypocrisy of wanting to recognize Jill’s contribution to CW – while hijacking Devon’s company and cutting him out.

The board told Tucker that they’re loyal to him. Maybe I told them to say that, Audra’s watched Tucker in action all these years – she’s been one step ahead of him this whole time.

Kyle’s worked at Newman a couple of times and left on bad terms. There’s always room for someone like you at Newman, Victor says before leaving.

Nikki apologizes to Diane – for that night. Thanks for saying that, Diane’s tight lipped. When Jack excuses himself to take a call, Diane thinks they have more to talk about (so asks Nikki to stay)

Nikki knows where this is going – you haven’t forgiven me. Jack almost died. I’m a friend you’d rather he not spend time with. She hopes there won’t be lingering affects. Jack and I are as solid as ever – Diane hopes there’s no lingering affects to Nikki’s marriage.

Billy stands – it’s not my fault Devon’s so bull-headed. He’s not cutting him out – Billy needs to manage him. Lily does NOT like this ‘power grab’. Billy wants to take CW to the top. Lily thinks he wants to show his family that ‘screw up’ Billy is a force to be reckoned with.

On the elevator, Audra tells Tucker that before, during and after the acquisitions, she was the one on the ground – you (Tucker) were just a cc on emails.

You went to rehab – good for you – Diane (and Jack) just wants peace. Good luck finding a new sponsor. Advice – lean on your own husband. Nikki points out that her friendship with Jack isn’t subject to Diane’s approval or disapproval. On cue, Jack returns – and after Nikki leaves, he announces that he has to go out of town.

Tucker’s heart is broken. That would require you to have one, Audra concludes.

Back home, Jack assumes Diane won’t have a problem with him going to Paris to support his sisters. When Kyle informs that he declined dinner with them in favour of spending time with Harrison and Claire, Diane’s hurt. We need to find a way to work through this.

Kyle doesn’t feel like arguing – we won’t agree on every decision at Jabot (that’s business 101) Jack’s annoyed – show some respect. He then confronts Kyle for going behind Diane’s back on the Foley deal. Feeling ambushed and ganged up on, Kyle’s had enough.

Lily won’t betray her brother (again) Billy pitches hard – he wants them to use their savvy and edge – our time is now. This is just another high for you, Lily realizes. No, this is our shit, he persists.

Back in his suite, Tucker updates his assistant that Audra claims to have the board in her pocket and an anonymous donour to buy Glacade. He needs his assistant on the inside – call each board member – tell them you’re onboard with Audra, not me – see if there’s any truth to Audra’s claim. Find out who’s willing to spend a fortune to steal Glacade from me.

Audra gets a call – thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Everything’s set for tomorrow morning. If everything goes as planned, Glacade will be ours. The funds are lined up? Good. Victor says – you’ve done a wonderful – together, we’ll be a formidable team.