Thursday, June 13th, 2024

Billy’s brought ‘happy hour’ to a distracted Lily (at CW) Let me buy you a drink, he holds a basket of goodies.

We can have the future you want, Tucker persists. Audra calls him selfish – there’s nothing left but ashes – oh, the many times he’s ‘burned’ her. He wants to commit to her, right here – right now. You’re all I want. Audra’s not having it – this is what losing feels like; it’ll only get worse.

Call me day or night, anytime, Jack ends a call as Diane joins him at Society. Yes, she thought he was talking to Nikki (it was Traci) Jack won’t be her sponsor but he’ll continue to be her friend – whether Diane and Victor like it or not.

At the club, Victor chats up Kyle – the parent/child relationship is the most important thing in life. As Kyle tries to move on, Victor has something to discuss with him.

Billy’s brought salt and vinegar chips from the cafeteria. He’s ‘ruthless charming but won’t be bought with snacks. His proposals are the right was to go. Just one, Lilly takes a chip.

Tucker asks about the ‘angel’ investor. Audra wouldn’t call them an angel.

Diane’s sorry and understanding – she respects his relationship with Nikki. Too bad Kyle doesn’t respect her at work. Diane sees no indication that he wants to resolve things at all.

When Victor asks how Claire’s doing, Kyle can’t say enough good things about Harrisons’ new nanny. He tells Victor that Cole asked him out for a beer. Sensing that Kyle’s not happy in his job, he thinks it might be time for a change. What do you have in mind? Kyle wonders.

Kyle resents me for taking ‘his’ job. He talks down to me. Diane also tells Jack that Kyle renegotiated her Foley deal. Things get awkward when Nikki arrives at Society.

Billy and Lily butt heads. He wants the Abbott name on the building – she wants to tell Devon why. It’s the right thing to do, Billy won’t let it go.