Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Tucker tells Audra that Ashley splintered into multiple personalities due to something that happened to her in Paris. Alan had a psycho twin brother. She somehow conflated their fight at the bistro with whatever Martin did to her. She must be terrified, Audra can’t imagine. Will you get back with her when she’s better? No, Tucker no longer feels guilty – it really is over. Audra thinks he’s fooling himself – you came to Paris for Ashley, not me.

Cole and Vikki toast to their family’s future. Claire thinks you asked Kyle out for a beer because you’re a protective father, she reports. What will we talk about if not Claire? Vikki asks when Cole’s going back to Oxford. That depends on you, he replies.

Chance has an idea to distract Summer ~kiss~

Harrison adores you, Kyle gushes. It’s mutual, Claire grins. Oh look, here’s Mariah with a bag of take out (including Margaritas) Am I interrupting something? she pulls a face at Kyle when invited inside.

Tucker came to Paris to stop Audra getting her hands on Glacade – at least, that’s what he told himself. I’m still in love with you.

Acknowledging that she and Cole are getting closer , Vikki has to consider it that’s because of Claire? Cole confides that he didn’t date anyone seriously in the UK; the ladies would likely say he didn’t want to invest in something that wouldn’t last. Vikki’s gun-shy too – her relationships haven’t ended well. This time they toast to reuniting the family they were robbed of.

Back at the club, Chance takes Summer’s room-key so he can go up and ‘set the mood’. See you in a bit ~kiss~ She’s left to text Kyle – there’s something we need to talk about.

Kyle joins the girls at the front door – he didn’t realize they’d become friends. No, he won’t join them; he has to get back to Harrison. On the front step, he frowns as he reads Summer’s text.

As Claire pours the Margaritas, Mariah explains that she was also stolen at birth; she didn’t know Sharon was her Mom until her 20’s. Bonding over ‘childhood trauma’, Mariah again asks if she interrupted anything with Kyle – he’s one of her ‘besties’; Summer, not so much – she can be her own worst enemy.

Ready when you are, Chance texts Summer. She’s about to go upstairs when Kyle texts back – asking that they meet in the morning.

This ordeal with Ashley made Tucker grateful for what he and Audra have. Surely, she feels the same way about him (she doesn’t) He’s now willing to give Glacade to her.

By the time Mariah returns to Society, Tessa’s done work and ready for a glass of wine. Claire wasn’t lonely, Mariah informs that Kyle was there. Just two friends interested in Harrison’s wellbeing (she clearly suspects more. After Kyle left, she and Claire had a deep conversation about their similar childhoods.

Looks like Claire’s gone to bed, Vikki thanks Cole for dinner. Both had a nice time. After a kiss, she asks Cole if he’d like to stay for a drink or coffee. More than anything but after their talk tonight, he wants to make sure she’s ready. Good night. After Cole leaves, Claire appears on the stairs to smile down at her Mom (who doesn’t see her)

There’s a catch – I have to agree to get back together with you, Audra assumes. No, that’s not a stipulation. Tucker’s handing over his seat on the board and CEO title to her. Audra doesn’t want Glacade as a handout – for years she thought Tucker was brilliant – but you don’t have all the answers. I do. She bought out the board members with an anonymous investor. She has the votes to oust Tucker. I’m taking control of Glacade. You’ve lost – I hope it hurts like hell, she twists the proverbial knife.